seems photobucket continues to be annoying, firstly removing hosting, then re-authorising hosting, but with a photobucket legend, then now changing their rules again, now decide to retrospectively impose a storage limit below the number of pics i have on their site, and fogging all the associated pix!!! gits! anyway, i think you can click the pic and it takes you to a clear version, just a clicking faff.... anyhoo

as we were... matching wheels....
IMG_20191006_090929 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

unfortunately i purchased new ones, so it simply won't do... so after learning how to use a 3d printer....
IMG_20191006_090937 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

pop the old centres out of the aluminium rims...
IMG_20191006_091346 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

a quick bit of paint and mock up.....
IMG_20191007_202140 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

after a sand an repaint they were mostly there!!!

finding the limits of the 3d printer, and after 5 aborted attempts, and salvaging parts from the previous incarnation that melted in the summer heat (!!!!!) i got to this....
IMG_20191015_145636 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

i know its 'steppy' but it is less than 7mm tall and 27mm long.... i could sand it, but no! no-one noticed the previous one was a mercedes that had been tweaked with a porsche screen on backwards, so a little stepping is fine!!
IMG_20191015_145702 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

tiny! and smoothed wheels
IMG_20191015_145726 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

IMG_20191015_150428 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

IMG_20191015_150252 by jon sutherland, on Flickr

and done....
IMG_20191015_200003 by jon sutherland, on Flickr