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Thread: 28/Apr (Sun), Supercar Sunday Silverstone 500

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Garden of England


    Quote Originally Posted by duncan View Post
    Too clever by half.
    Ticketing has now gone live.
    As Kaz noted, the ticket QR code is only available ‘live’ within the App, I can’t see any provision for a paper copy.
    Let’s hope the circuit (now) has enough internet band width available for everyone to access their accounts on the day.
    can you not screen shot it, just in case? scratch that, just scrolled up to Kaz's post but bodes well for silverstone festival in august??????
    Last edited by britlude; 25-04-2024 at 07:04 PM.
    aka Jonathan!!

    '92 charlotte green auto.... as a daily
    '37 Ford Y street rod......... something for the weekend!

    ...... if a photobucket pic is foggy, click it, and it'll take you to the clear version, yes, it's a clicking faff....

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Bucks, UK
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    If the software designed properly, should not need mobile data connection at the time of scan.

    The live clock on the QR code is nothing to do with the actual key code hidden inside.

    It’s purely for visualisation purpose that the App is not frozen or some sort of still image.
    More of assistance for the human being.

    Just don’t factory reset or uninstall the App just before leaving for the event.

    There were several issues reported last year among several events when people upgraded their ticket after purchasing it or
    made mistake in transferring the ticket to wrong email address but as long as you wake up the App at least once before leaving, should be fine.

    Last edited by Kaz-kzukNA1; 26-04-2024 at 10:04 AM. Reason: format

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