Hi guys,

as the title suggests, I am in the process of looking to add an NSX to my collection of old crap and would like any help or suggestions along the way. I have owned a couple of Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbos and still run one of those now, so I would imagine the NSX is a equal car to this if not better.

I am fairly competent at dealing with mechanical issues on cars (but I think I am correct in saying that the engines in these things are pretty robust and need only the normal servicing, timing belt, water pump, tensioners etc). I guess the ECU and electrics could a tricky area, is the support good in this area (for example in the GTO world we have a good ECU repair service, things like poor headlights have a retro fit alternative, actice aero repair kits are common) what is the likely repair for the NSX?

I have read through the excellent links on prospective buying honest...but I think the advice from actual owners is invaluable.

My other request if you don't mind is who has an NSX in Scotland, who could come and help me inspect a potential purchase if one arises. I am close to Aberdeen but will easily travel for the right car.

Thanks guys in advance, hope to experience an NSX soon.....actually thats a lie, this is another car for my wife really....I just get to fill it with fuel and lay underneath it on rainy days...
