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Thread: LJK's wise words

  1. Default LJK's wise words

    Hi guys!

    Thought you might like to read this if you haven't already seen it.[/img]

  2. Default

    Link didn't work but the fauly may be at their site. I went to it and it is the slowest b***y site I've visited.
    Ferrari 550 Maranello in Rosso Corsa
    Kawasaki ZZR 1200
    KTM 400 EXC

  3. #4


    Used to enjoy LJKs stuff, but its always worth taking with a pinch of salt. Consider - does a pinnacle of automotive engineering automatically make it a great car? LJK always seemed to think so, his love of Honda and Citroen was virtually unconditional, despite their often glaringly obvious flaws. Is a car that eats its tyres within 3k miles really the worlds greatest luxury car? That seems like a pretty big usability flaw to me.

  4. Default

    Maybe not everyone drives their car as hard as you Damian 8)
    Ferrari 550 Maranello in Rosso Corsa
    Kawasaki ZZR 1200
    KTM 400 EXC

  5. #6




  6. #7


    LJKS is certainly opinionated, which is probably a good thing anyway!

    Always worth a read, because he hails from a time when to know things or to be able to express them was not considered somehow infradig.

    Trouble is, I find myself agreeing with him a lot of the time!

    “I find myself irresistibly attracted to cars that nobody else buys. The NSX is a classic of the genre because nobody buys it and yet it’s a fantastic car. It’s got a wonderful compactness and simplicity and unpretentiousness to it. Honda rudely continues to make them whether we like it or not, even though there can be no commercial logic in doing so — I thoroughly admire that.” Rowan Atkinson

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