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Thread: Where did all of the forum traffic go? :-o

  1. #11


    I think it is just a sign of the times. Forum's are old technology that is being replaced by social media solutions that work much better on smart phones.

    The forum is still very useful of course as it contains a great deal of helpful information for NSX owners, but it is not used for the chat type function to the extent it was in the past.

    The Honda NSX Owners Club and NSXCB have always been separate legal entities, until 2021 joining the Club and NSXCB Platinum were combined.

    From 2021 the Club officers decided to simplify arrangements and have a separate joining process which is handled through the club website Once a member of the Club you can get access to the NSX Club Facebook page which is used by members for organising events and general communication.

    Neil Shaw
    Chair NSX Club

    2001 NA2 Imola Orange Pearl/Black Leather (Type S evocation)
    2003 NA2 Long Beach Blue/Black Leather (NSX-R evocation)

    Non NSX
    Lotus Carlton 30/250

    Previous NSX
    2004 NA2-R Championship White/Red Seats 111/150 personal import April 2016 sold 2020
    NA2 2005 NA2 LBB/Grey Leather last 12 car, 2005 Pearl White/Red Leather last 12 car, 2003-T Black/Black, 2003-T Red/Black
    NA1 1996 Type R White/Black 447/483, 2 x 1991 manual, 1993 manual, 1996-T manual, 2002-T F-matic

  2. #12


    Thanks Neil. I understand that in an era of TikTok and LOLcats, actual detailed technical info and guides and advice look very old-fashioned. Does your Facebook group include the same types - and depth - of conversations as we have here? Without being able to see (because it's a private group), and with my current Facebook browsing finding so much superficial and vanity posting, I am cynical, I suppose.

    Moving NSX-enthusiast activity from this forum to these algo-managed systems promotes Lowest Common Denominator content to the top. And will bury the nerdy, deep and useful stuff. Why? "Because phone" seems to be a rather depressing answer.

  3. #13


    Its not a question of moving any thing from the forum, as I said the forum is great for exactly the technical depth you mention. It is not, however, as effective at other tasks needed by car club organisers.

    The forum owners/administrators did not want NSXCB to be a formal club in the way required for attendance at some major events such as Silverstone Classic. That is why a number of us NSXCB users set up the separate club in 2015, the current officers of the club decided that it was more efficient to administer the club via a website, a membership system and Facebook Page. The Facebook Page is used mostly for organising club events as it provides a tool to do just this effectively, it is therefore appropriate to restrict to members only. Members do help each other through Facebook if they can but it is not a replacement for the repository in this forum. The club website is open to all.

    There is no conflict or any reason why he NSXCB and Club cannot co-exist supporting their respective members in different ways. I am proud to be a long term supporter of the NSXCB and founder member of the NSX Club.

    Quote Originally Posted by goldtop View Post
    Thanks Neil. I understand that in an era of TikTok and LOLcats, actual detailed technical info and guides and advice look very old-fashioned. Does your Facebook group include the same types - and depth - of conversations as we have here? Without being able to see (because it's a private group), and with my current Facebook browsing finding so much superficial and vanity posting, I am cynical, I suppose.

    Moving NSX-enthusiast activity from this forum to these algo-managed systems promotes Lowest Common Denominator content to the top. And will bury the nerdy, deep and useful stuff. Why? "Because phone" seems to be a rather depressing answer.

    2001 NA2 Imola Orange Pearl/Black Leather (Type S evocation)
    2003 NA2 Long Beach Blue/Black Leather (NSX-R evocation)

    Non NSX
    Lotus Carlton 30/250

    Previous NSX
    2004 NA2-R Championship White/Red Seats 111/150 personal import April 2016 sold 2020
    NA2 2005 NA2 LBB/Grey Leather last 12 car, 2005 Pearl White/Red Leather last 12 car, 2003-T Black/Black, 2003-T Red/Black
    NA1 1996 Type R White/Black 447/483, 2 x 1991 manual, 1993 manual, 1996-T manual, 2002-T F-matic

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Shawnsx5 View Post
    Its not a question of moving any thing from the forum,
    Specifically, I said "activity" (time spent engaging). And that's the point I made in my opening question for this thread: this forum now has very little activity. Part of the reason for that may be that some forumites have moved their online activity to the lightweight SM presence of the NSX Club. Fair enough; it's easier to LOL, like and befriend other people on platforms like FB/etc.

    I suppose:
    1 - that's 'progress'
    2 - it'll eventually be the end of this forum, as there will be less and less reason to visit for today's NSX owners, and tomorrow's NSX owners will just see a moribund forum

    I'm not sure who 'owns' the NSX forum database, but I do hope that it isn't left to wither - fewer users means less cash to call upon when the inevitable maintenance is needed.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Bucks, UK
    Blog Entries


    Still here and visit this site at least once a day.
    Just so busy looking after multiple projects in parallel that not even being able to update the blog for the event at Brands Hatch and that was during the last bank holiday weekend.

    Before going any further, for the clarification, I don't get paid or anything by supporting this forum.
    As long as I know, same goes to the administrators.
    None of them are receiving anything and purely volunterring.

    All of the Platinum membership contribution goes towards the running of the site and if I'm not mistaken, I think only one person has access to it.

    Interestingly, a while ago, the same topic of low forum traffic was discussed on the NSX Prime as well.
    There are combination of multiple factors such as the type and age of the owners, more than 30 years after the introduction so many topics were already covered previously,
    the ancient software platform, etc and of course the effects of the SNS.

    Since then, increased traffic but I only follow the technical posts there and majority of increased traffic was of non-technical subjects.

    I no longer use TapaTalk after they started changing the software design resulting in too many Ad and thus, I only click on 'What's new' tab on the Prime website.
    And if I don't see much technical posts, I just leave.

    For a while, the 'mention' and the 'PM notification' were not working over there that I missed so many requests for the support as well as didn't notice the PM received.
    Have to admit, not much posting over there these days.

    I'm not a member of the NSX Club - THNOC so don't know what is being discussed, what format it has or even who the member is.
    Don't know what level of technical knowledge it offers.

    You won't find me on any of THNOC platforms.

    If you need any technical support and happy to share it with others, just post it here and I'm quite sure everyone will try helping you.
    If you have something that you don't want sharing on the public domain, just send me email (email address always in right side window of my blog page).
    Or, like others who know my mobile no, they are contacting me using WhatsApp, etc or even just calling me.

    You are not alone and so many owners around the world are doing that.
    I receive 10s of messages almost every day.

    As the forumadmin said one time, after all, NSXCB stands for NSX 'Club' Britain.

    Interesting that someone who seems to be from THNOC kept sending PM to you, @goldtop.....

    Addition to the NSXCB site that uses the vBulletin forum software, evaluated several different platforms as the backup method for my own purpose.

    With major OS changing spec and concept over many years and all these storage services turning into paid subscription,
    I wanted to have secure way of backing up the topics as well as better control on how to deliver the message.

    Each has its own pros and cons.

    The forum platform is still my preferred method for detailed technical support.

    Time lined posts under specific title so easy to follow.
    In your favourite browser such as chrome, firefox, safari, etc, type the keyword followed by the '' would bring up lots of search results.
    Not something you would get from the FB, etc.

    On the other hand, many users experienced difficulty in uploading the photo, video, files, etc on this ancient forum software.
    The development of forum software itself seems to have slowed down a bit in general, possibly due to the effect of other social media platforms.

    Still, this forum site software needs updating and already discussion was started a while ago.

    Instagram is handy for 'photo/video based' communication.
    On several occasions, owners mentioned that they didn't understand the technical detail of my blog post but lots of photo were helpful and much appreciated.

    I even thought about using it with lots of hashtag just to update the owners on what's happening at my place but not all owners are using Instagram.

    Youtube is very useful for Vlog but for someone like me, I can see I'll be spending too much time editing the video and thinking about the script that it would take much more time than other methods.

    As a side note, I admire those youtubers spending long hours and investing into equipments to reach out for the wider audiences and really high self-producing skills.

    FB is useful for quick chat.
    Easy to upload the photo, video, file, etc so there are many owners who are not on the NSXCB forum and only use the FB.

    However, the search feature is not great and only one photo per reply unless you combine multiple photos in single frame.

    The time line can easily get lost if someone replies back in old reply so not easy to track the latest state of the subject.
    Thus, useful for quick support and chat or when using the built-in tools such as the Event, Ask Question/Recommendation, Tagging, etc.

    After some owners across the pond were trying to get in touch with me, I started using FB for the evaluation purpose and only answering the technical subjects.

    You don't need using FB in a way that majority of people are doing.
    I am one of the minority.

    I don't update my timeline, realtime location, what I'm eating/doing at the moment, etc so if you visit my FB page, very boring.
    I'm fine with it as from the very beginning, the purpose of using FB is not for sharing my life events, advertising or self-producing myself on the net.

    On FB, I only joined the 'NSX Owners group' (NSXOG, mainly by the owners across the pond) and 'NSX Prime group' (FB version of the Prime forum but with much more audiences including non-NSX owners, fans, petrolheads, etc).

    I follow the NSXOG regularly and support the members by answering the quesions.
    Don't spend much time on the Prime group as many discussions are not of my interests.

    Addition to the above, I started my own FB group - 'NSX UK Owners' mainly for emergency road side support, quick technical support, parts sharing, event info, etc.

    Unlike other organisations and groups, I don't proactively promote it and it's a private group.

    Will only approve the joining request after confirming the real ownership of the NSX through the V5C, Insurance doc, etc unless I know the person by myself.

    Hence, I already declined so many requests in the past.

    Very small group and limited traffic but that's fine for the purpose of the group.
    Users are most likely the member of multiple groups and people will find the required info through multiple sources these days.

    With my FB group, for quick technical support and chat seem to be working fine as the members can post photo, video, etc easily and
    chimes into the chat quickly through whatever the devices/OS they are using.

    As referred above, outside of this forum, I considered starting my own blog page by paying for the different platform.
    This was in order to have better control on the backup process and the visual appearances.

    No worries as I'll still support and contribute to this forum as much as I can.

    As a person, I can only do certain amount of tasks and I know my limit.
    But the door is always open and if you are looking for my support, just ask using whatever the method/platform you prefer and
    if at all possible, use this forum to share the info as someone else may experience the same issue on their NSX in the future.


  6. #16


    To Kaz and all concerned that keep NSXCB site up and going. I’ve only been at NSX owner since 2006 and a huge THANK YOU for all the effort and experience you invest in our cars and helping all the owners keep these very special cars going ! A mate turned me on to NSXCB before I heard of Prime and both sites keep my car the jewel I always wanted it to be. I don’t Facebook or any of the other go fast sites and this place is the dogs danglies, as a wise man once said.
    Thank you again and please keep up the great work.


  7. #17


    Just a quick thread resurrection. I have checked in to this forum pretty much every day for the best part of 20 years. It was great fun in the early days. At least early days for me. Some of the members had been active way before we muscled in. There was a lot of activity, lots to learn and loads of meetings to arrange and attend. Now it’s maybe a few posts a week if we’re lucky.
    I understand that the ‘other’ club has taken much of the traffic away. I think this is regrettable. It matters not that there was no intention to make NSXCB the Mary Celeste. That’s the result.
    For what it’s worth, there are a number of forum members that never wanted the club to be a branded entity. But I don’t think this was ever seriously considered. So please, those who value this forum, please continue to post when you can and maybe even organise the odd meet.
    I guess I will continue to sign in, in the hope that someone has posted something interesting or new. I will also be trying to organise a mini SW meet sometime this summer, with no facebook and no public liability.

    No need to comment and tell me why I’m wrong. I’m just having an overdue rant.
    Last edited by Papalazarou; 25-05-2023 at 06:28 AM.
    I am Godzilla, you are Japan!

  8. #18


    I'll try to come along to your SW meet��(dates permitting vs work)

    I have at least found the old threads useful to search through for anything technical!
    2001 NSX-T Manual in Imola Orange Pearl
    1994 Honda VFR400R NC30 in Castrol Colours

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Garden of England


    i don't think the 'other club' has taken anything away from the forum, forums all across the board are dying left right and centre.

    social media has pretty much ruined them, everyone wanting a quick response to a (usually stupid) question.

    faceache gets bigger groups and quick responses but their search thing makes it hopeless for any kind of archive, and it seems that anyone and their donkey can set up ever narrower targeted interest groups so ultimately it'll be people talking to themselves!

    most forums now have the diehard regulars, and the ones that breeze in stealthily for info.

    i shall continue to post up stuff when i find new solutions to old problems, eg. aftermarket hatch struts... but after 18 years of ownership, finding 'new' stuff gets harder!
    aka Jonathan!!

    '92 charlotte green auto.... as a daily
    '37 Ford Y street rod......... something for the weekend!

    ...... if a photobucket pic is foggy, click it, and it'll take you to the clear version, yes, it's a clicking faff....

  10. #20


    I much prefer the forum to the FB groups, despite the well intentioned efforts of the group admins. The forum is better in so many ways - better archiving of technical info and tbh better behaviour by the people.
    1996 Green NSX-T manual

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