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Thread: petrolhedonism show sept 17/18

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Garden of England

    Default petrolhedonism show sept 17/18

    hi, found out about this, so i thought i'd go... no idea what it's like, seems supercars n stuff, seems to be a big budget thing, Richard Rawlings is coming over for it, if that's your sort of thing...

    but it's at Knebworth House, and that's quite a nice place to go anyway!

    so thought i'd mention it! booked in as an individual exhibitor, cos i'm a rebel!
    aka Jonathan!!

    '92 charlotte green auto.... as a daily
    '37 Ford Y street rod......... something for the weekend!

    ...... if a photobucket pic is foggy, click it, and it'll take you to the clear version, yes, it's a clicking faff....

  2. #2


    I have booked as well - both days but I may only go for one - will be a good day out, the house is an interesting place to explore.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Fabulous 2 days at Knebworth - so much interest and amazement from the public - our cars were like hidden jewels much to the delight of those that suddenly found us.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	14302  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Garden of England


    It was amusing Sunday, when someone spotted 2 nsx parked together, the third hidden from his view by someone... The 3rd nsx reveal was classic!!!

    A good show, they obviously put plenty of money into it, and it was the full spectrum of automotive culture from hotrod, Americana, max power throwbacks, modern hot hatches, classic pickups thru to top end expensive hardware, one curated area for cars valued over £1M each....

    And all in the grounds of the fabulously over the top gothic Knebworth House with access to the 28 acres of gardens!!! All in all a good event with plenty of opportunities to grow....
    aka Jonathan!!

    '92 charlotte green auto.... as a daily
    '37 Ford Y street rod......... something for the weekend!

    ...... if a photobucket pic is foggy, click it, and it'll take you to the clear version, yes, it's a clicking faff....

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