I've 'rowed us along' to the annual car meet and BBQ organised by the Essex Chapter of the Porsche GB Car Club on Tuesday 11th of July.
The event, as last year, is pretty low key; turn up from 19:15 and park in a dedicated area on the driving range at the Rivenhall Oaks Golf Course, Forest Road, Witham CM8 2PS.
There is a pay bar and pay BBQ for those who would like a drink and a bite whilst kicking tyres.
No golfers are harmed, the invite by the Porsche club is pretty universal, so lots of Porsches, maybe a few Ferraris, and a lot more TVRs, Lotii, MGs, Triumphs, Mercedes and Classics, they aim for between 2 and 300 cars.
There is no charge with the event, it is open to the local car clubs and to the public, a charity donation can be made during the evening.
Please indicate an interest below,
1 Duncan