Quote Originally Posted by Kaz-kzukNA1 View Post
It was in the 'Wanted' forum and as you can see there, it was deleted by the user 'Coops'.
The user who started the very thread owns it and can 'soft delete' the entire thread including other user's posts.

Because it's 'soft deleted', all of the posts are actually still there but simply not displayed to the public.
May be Coops no longer in search for the NSX and decided to remove the thread from the 'Wanted' forum???

Would be better to 'Close' the thread instead of 'Delete' but there could be other reasons.

If Coops can get back to the admin or reply back to this thread and if wants to, we can reinstate the thread but may need to close it if no longer in search of NSX.

Just to remind you that the server will be down this weekend and depending on one's ISP, it will take some time before one can access the Forum again.

Thanks for the info Kaz, I didn't know you could do that, at least I now know I wasn't dreaming it.😂