Another year, and we’re off to the welcoming arms of the Princes Arms (see what I did there??) for the now traditional Pancake Run 2016. Setting off from Kent nice and early we had a nice easy traffic free journey in the allocated satnav time of 4 ˝ hours to arrive refreshed and ready for the weekend…..
……in no way did the journey take 8 hours, involve stoppages on the M1, M6, M54, or A5 including an amusing stint where the traffic was queued at the end of the M54, where there’s a roundabout, which was blocked by people ignoring the A49 ‘road closed’ signs for miles around, and arguing with the poor sap lumbered with standing at the road block telling them, that despite them being special people, they CAN’T go down the closed road!!!

Anyway, we got there, just several hours later than planned….

Soon found everyone in the bar!

The hotel carpark transforming into NSX heaven… well nearly!