At the risk of informing other competitive buyers (!), my daily searches have turned up a silver '91 manual coupe with 54000m for sale as an Approved Used car at a Honda dealer in Grantham. It's on PH and was on AT (which then disappeared). At £19495/£18995 depending on which ad you believe.

(edit) just had a call back - taken off sale while they decide what work it needs to be sold as Approved Used. Sales guy says it's likely to be repriced

If possible I will go and see it tomorrow or this weekend (it's about 1.5hrs away).

Research has revealed only a snap ring failure as an early-model-specific potential fault, so I will check the transmission number and range (anyone have a photo showing where I need to look?)

On such sketchy info, I don't suppose anyone knows the car? Number plate was hidden in the photos I saw, but the serial was T0000000033.