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Heineken's Garage

Gauge Cluster - Tester

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The NSX Gauge Cluster provides a large number of functions and displays, resulting in roughly 60 pins across two green connectors. Testing all of them manually is a error-prone task, requires special equipment and takes a lot of time. To speed things up, it helps to have a tester that provides all of these functions in a compact way and utilizing the original connectors.

A simple user interface. Usage of the original connectors. Adaptable for multiple build years. Ease of build
Control of the following functionality:

  • Temperature, Oil Pressure and Fuel Gauge (resistance controlled)
  • Illumination (PWM controlled)
  • ~30 indicators lights (various controls via battery voltage and ground)
  • Shift Indicator Display (battery voltage controlled logic)
  • Roof Lock Logic (ground controlled logic input and output)
  • Courtesy Light Logic (ground controlling output)
  • Neutral/Park Logic (ground controlling output)
  • Speed gauge (battery voltage rectangle)
  • Tachometer (ground controlled rectangle)

Localizing the original AG5 connectors and pins as well as a crimping tool - a good option being the ENGINEER PA-20. An Arduino Mega for sufficient output pins and two frequency generators. ULN 2803A (GND) and UDN 2981 (VBAT) drivers to control the cluster. A rotational encoder with push-button functionality to control the tester and an OLED display for a quick response. KI-CAD based PCB design to be used without an extra case.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot from 2022-03-04 19-16-02.jpg 
Views:	509 
Size:	39.5 KB 
ID:	14561

Basic On/Off Functionality

PWM Controlled Mini Gauges

Complex Gear Control

Frequency Controlled Speed

Supported Clusters
Cables for 1990-1995 and 1996-2005 clusters have been created successfully. With the right software and loom, the tester should be able to drive many Honda and other clusters from a similar age, too. Tests with a Honda Legend and a VW Golf 3 cluster have been successful.

Firmware Updates
Software updates are provided as soon as they become available - tester owners will be additionally notified by e-mail.
Below .zip files are compatible with Windows and contain the update utility, the firmware bin file and a script to perform the update.
The script assumes the Arduino to occupy a specific COM port when connected to the PC - if it differs, one line of the scripts needs to be changed accordingly.

Download link for latest V1.1.1 from 2022-02-14 is here:
Previous V1.1.0 from 2021-12-28 is downloadable from here:

Updated 09-02-2025 at 04:31 PM by Heineken

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  1. ozon02's Avatar
    Hallo Lars,
    Vielleicht können Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Neujahrsvorsätze etwas Zeit für das NSX Gauge Cluster Type R nehmen?

    Frohes neues Jahr

  2. Heineken's Avatar
    Hello Mario,

    Thanks and a happy new year to you as well.
    Let's have a chat on WhatsApp


    Quote Originally Posted by ozon02
    Hallo Lars,
    Vielleicht können Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Neujahrsvorsätze etwas Zeit für das NSX Gauge Cluster Type R nehmen?

    Frohes neues Jahr

    Updated 08-01-2023 at 10:39 AM by Heineken (typo)