Gauge Cluster
, 23-10-2021 at 04:10 PM (6665 Views)
The NSX's Gauge Cluster is a good example for a nice and simple design - it features a symmetric layout with one large dial on each side, accompanied by two small dials. These main functionalities are realized:
- Speed dial (country specific labeling and range)
- Tachometer (model specific range)
- Temperature, oil pressure and fuel gauge
- Shift indicator (AT only)
- ~30 indicator lights (some model and country specific)
Variations and Build Years
First build years can be grouped together as 1990-1994. These feature the same pin layout and a blue "cold" mark on the temperature gauge. The AT version's shift display is made out of indicator lights only.
For the 1995 model year, introduction of the NSX-T added a roof locking indicator. The Sport-Shift manually controlled automatic gear box extended the shift indicator with a numerical display. The pin layout of the cluster changed nearly completely. As a result, a <1995 cluster can't be used on a >1995 vehicle or vice versa without extensive adaptations in wiring.
1997 JDM AT Gauge Cluster
USDM model years 2000 and upwards had no optical changes but a different temperature indication circuit, controlled by the engine ECU instead of a dedicated temperature sensor. The pinning remained unchanged.
Additional Functions
Beside visual indications, the cluster serves the following functionality that fails if the cluster is damaged or not present in the vehicle:
- Roof locking logic (not just the indicator)
- Courtesy light logic
- Neutral/Park logic
Known Issues
Same as almost all of the vehicle ECUs, the gauge cluster suffers from leaking capacitors that can lead up to a cabin fire. First indications are a break light warning indicator that won't turn off even though cabling and bulbs are OK. Preventive capacitor replacement is recommended.
Indicator and illumination bulbs tend to show significant wear or fail around the 100.000 km range - if the cluster is removed from the vehicle past that mileage it's advised to replace all bulbs at once.