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  1. Recent progress

    by , 12-11-2023 at 08:06 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Thank you to forumadmin for looking into the site issue.
    Should be able to post without getting error message and no longer requiring the use of the 'Hybrid' display mode to jump to the last page.

    Made good progress recently and already returned one of the NSX to the owner although took extra week due to unexpected electrical issue.

    Because of this extra delay, had to repeat the hand cranking process again followed
  2. Site issue – Still possible to post

    by , 01-11-2023 at 11:13 AM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Hope this will find its way to those who wants to post new thread or reply to existing one.

    For the clarification, I don’t own this site and just helping the users.

    These apply to any new posts in the Forum section since 20/Oct.
    AFAIK, Blog section is not affected.

    You can still post new thread or reply to an existing thread.

    However, you will see error message on posting.
    Despite this,