After checking the circuit, it’s time to install the new capacitors. After cleaning the board one more time and carried out the inspection, applied the conformal coating to the board. At the same time, re-soldered two Main Relays (for another owner) and coated them as well. ...
Updated 07-04-2011 at 11:26 AM by Kaz-kzukNA1
Not only on NSX but also on other Honda models, the suspension bolt passing through the bush with metal collar could seize. This is caused by the corrosion/oxidation probably from the moisture/salt in the air. It would be best, once a year, before visiting the alignment place, if you can remove majority of the suspension bolts/nuts and apply silicone grease on the bolt body. But not practical for some of the owners without ...
Although this NSX had several timing belt service in the past, as seen on almost all of the UK NSX, the crank pulley was never replaced after leaving the factory in Japan. So, it’s time to replace it. This NSX has very low mileage for its age and the owner looked after it very well that there were not much rust around the lower part of the chassis. However, after removing the crank pulley, ...
Managed to finish the service on the CCU board and sent out the Final report to the owner. Now, it’s time to work on the Bose Speaker AMPs. Bose modified the AMP board design around mid 90’s but still, the spec of electrolytic capacitors were not upgraded and thus, sooner or later, they will start leaking the acid. ...
Updated 22-04-2011 at 09:06 AM by Kaz-kzukNA1 (Category)
I don’t want to start working on the Valve clearance adjustment unless I can block several hours for the day to finish at least one bank without being interrupted. Even using the same tools, the result could be different because of the changes in the sensibility of the fingertip. For me, adjusting the valve clearance is like talking to the metal. Therefore, once it started, it has to be finished ...