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  1. Audio Head Unit service 04

    by , 26-03-2022 at 01:18 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

  2. Audio Head Unit service 03

    by , 26-03-2022 at 01:05 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Now that managed to recover the power, full refurbishment in progress.

    OP AMP section

  3. Audio Head Unit service 02

    by , 20-03-2022 at 01:14 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    With everything happening at the moment, not covered by the mainstream media but Japan was once again hit by huge earthquake this week (twice) so had to shift my priorities for it.

    Fortunately, minimum tsunami this time but still, many damages including the Shinkansen - the bullet train got derailed.

    Fortunately, the previous lesson learnt, foresight by many engineers and the technology prevented the disaster.
  4. Audio Head Unit service 01

    by , 15-03-2022 at 03:55 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    A while ago, another owner contacted me with the audio head unit issue.

    The owner told me that some time ago, it started with the cracking noise when the unit was still cold.

    However, once warmed up, seemed to be fine although there was imbalance between the R & L channels.

    Left like that for quite some time and then eventually, it completely lost the power and nothing happens
  5. Happy New Year

    by , 10-01-2022 at 01:25 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)
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