Blog Comments

  1. Heineken's Avatar
    Added explanation why trace damage near C15 causes the fan control to stop working.
    Added explanation how trace damage near C14 causes the CPU to stop working.
  2. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information on diagnosing CPU issues
  3. Heineken's Avatar
    Updated list of capacitors with all dry types as of 2024
  4. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information on Q4 heat-up, U1 damage and too low volume.
  5. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information on "Full Functionality but Display stays off"
  6. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information and schematics on Intermittent complete loss of sound II.
  7. Heineken's Avatar
    Added Information about Intermittent complete loss of sound.
  8. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information about issues with the muting control line.
  9. Heineken's Avatar
    Added information about Phazer-like-sound and how to fix it.
  10. Heineken's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by wixer
    Another fine job Lars.
    Thank you very much - unfortunately the radio where this info is from couldn't be saved but learned many new things about how the innards work.
  11. wixer's Avatar
    Another fine job Lars.
  12. Heineken's Avatar
    Update: Added further information on how to test the middle PCB without the lower PCB and general startup procedure involving both processors.
  13. Heineken's Avatar
    Update: Added info about repair of Too little Volume and Distortions increasing with Volume
  14. Heineken's Avatar
    Hello Mario,

    Thanks and a happy new year to you as well.
    Let's have a chat on WhatsApp


    Quote Originally Posted by ozon02
    Hallo Lars,
    Vielleicht können Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Neujahrsvorsätze etwas Zeit für das NSX Gauge Cluster Type R nehmen?

    Frohes neues Jahr

    Updated 08-01-2023 at 10:39 AM by Heineken (typo)
  15. ozon02's Avatar
    Hallo Lars,
    Vielleicht können Sie sich im Rahmen Ihrer Neujahrsvorsätze etwas Zeit für das NSX Gauge Cluster Type R nehmen?

    Frohes neues Jahr

  16. Heineken's Avatar
    Kaz mentioned it in one of his blog entries. It was easy to get in Japan but not that easy in Europe.
    Since my parents in law are biochemists they pointed me in the right direction regarding the chemicals and after watching several hours of nail art videos I was quite sure it's the same thing
    Updated 03-01-2021 at 08:52 AM by Heineken (typo)
  17. Silver Surfer's Avatar
    Absolutely fantastic find...very useful!

  18. Heineken's Avatar
    You're welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by goldnsx
    11 years back. Thanks.
  19. goldnsx's Avatar
    11 years back. Thanks.
  20. Heineken's Avatar
    Than this would be your message, I suppose:

    Quote Originally Posted by goldnsx
    I've did this for a German owner, but 10 years ago and didn't recall how I did it. Thanks for the refresh of my memory.
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