Blog Comments

  1. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar
    While didn’t get any feedback over the GROM Support Forum, contacted their USA Customer Support directly to generate issue ticket.

    And got reply very quickly and further communication made.

    Here is the conclusion.

    If you have the European spec Audio Head Unit, you may have same phenomenon/issue as above.
    This is not just for NSX but potentially with other European Honda models from similar era.

    It's BT3 hardware spec related and can't be dealt with firmware update.
    In short, extra data/message on MBUS making it harder for BT3 to process resulting in this issue.

    BT3 hardware haven't been updated for 8 years whereas USB3 has been upgraded and also has faster processor.

    For this reason, for NSX European spec Audio Head Unit, they recommend the GROM USB3.
    Already installed USB3 for several owners and it did work.

    Interestingly, GROM UK has now removed 91 - 05 Honda NSX from their vehicle compatibility selection guide that can be found at the top of their homepage.
    However, still in their pdf list so be careful.

    For your reference, the other owner with the European spec audio head unit + GROM BT3 provided me with further feedback.
    He confirmed that he also got exactly the same issue.

    However, he is happy dealing with this by resetting and pairing the Bluetooth everytime when he parked the car.

    So, BT3 can be made to work with European spec audio head unit.
    You just need to be ready to carry out the reset procedure everytime when parking the car or changing the function mode.

  2. NZNick's Avatar
    Update - June 2024:

    I am over in the UK visiting friends and family for a few weeks (from NZ), so got in touch with Goodridge UK by email ( to see the current cost and lead time. They got back to me the same day with price (130GBP) including VAT & delivery, and a lead time of ~5 days. I will place an order in the next few days so that I am “home” to receive the delivery.
    Thanks again to Kaz for organising this bespoke kit - I don’t need it yet, but will put it on the shelf ready for the next big service.
  3. Heineken's Avatar
    Nice report, thanks for sharing!
  4. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar

    3 down, 1 to go.

    Been awhile since last time I had to remove the capacitor/resistor module so quite a challenge with this CCU board but now into test driving session using my NSX.

  5. Heineken's Avatar
    That sounds like a tough time, indeed. Remembering my short term flights between Japan and Germany but they never happened on such a short notice as yours.
    Wishing you a quick recovery and a more controllable 2024
  6. Senninha's Avatar
    Hi, Kaz. Well that was an adventure and I trust the reason for the urgent trip was not to serious and you were able to address to your satisfaction.

    Get some rest and stay safe …

    Warmest wishes for 2024 to you, the Boss and you family regards, Paul
  7. thelimpingwhippet's Avatar
    Welcome back, here's hoplng 2024 will be better for all of us. It's probably about time we had a good year.

  8. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by britlude
    odd... this blog reply doesnt show for me either!
    This is normal.
    In order to protect my blog against spam account, all comments to my blog require approval before being displayed to public.
    I even got spam PM in the past.
    I approved all of your three comments above around midnight today (Saturday) so should show up in the 'What's New' window.

    For your reference, when posted the comment, one should see message window stating that one's comment won't be displayed until being approved by the blog owner.

    Quote Originally Posted by britlude
    thread that prompted all this , shows on the forum, but not on the 'what's new'....!)

    (but does show 85 views on the forum index... so someone can see it lol)
    Very interesting to know that your post shows up if visited the 'Technical' forum but not in the 'What's New' feature.

    The view count includes the bot.
    So many of them visiting all over the web.
    Many are genuine search engine bots buidling up the search cache.
    Others are.... well, you can easily guess it.

    Also, there are so many spam account registered using automated script evey hour.
    You'll see so many long-long strange userID popping up frequently.

    Hope forumadmin can spend some time to investigate what's happening....

    Updated 20-10-2023 at 11:17 PM by Kaz-kzukNA1 (extra info)
  9. britlude's Avatar
    just got Sarah to open the suspension thread unrelated to my login, all present and correct, so it can be seen outside the userbase...
  10. britlude's Avatar
    odd... this blog reply doesnt show for me either!

    thread that prompted all this , shows on the forum, but not on the 'what's new'....!)

    (but does show 85 views on the forum index... so someone can see it lol)
  11. britlude's Avatar
    i managed to post in the forum, but with each submission i got an error message/default error screen. however the posts did take.

    oddly they havent shown up on the 'what;s new' screen... last i has was Sorepaws supercar sunday post of 13/10/32.... this also showed no replies, even tho there was one from 15th from Senninha

    now both of the 'test' posts show on the 'what's new' button, but my posts are still absent!

    very odd
  12. debug's Avatar
    Testing the blog comment.
  13. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar
    Thank you for the link.
    I’ve lost interest in Bridgestone tyres until they went back to the basic and revived the legendary RE71 in the form of RE-71R few years ago.
    Now it’s -71RS so something to be considered in the future.
    Would be interesting how it performs in the wet after 1/3 worn from new.

    Much more interested in the new Neova AD09.

    I have been very happy with AD08 and AD08R especially the wet performance.
    Didn’t like the feeling of AD08RS in both the dry and wet condition.
    As far as I know, AD08RS was specific to the European market.

    Knew about AD09 for quite some time but saw the real one at this year’s Silverstone Festival (Classic).
    Still not all size available on the market so I just hope Yokohama will bring the suitable size for our NSX.
    Although it looks like semi slick pattern, aparently the wet performance is even better than the AD08R so would love to fit it on my NSX when the time comes.


  14. NZNick's Avatar
    Your 6th picture takes me back to my first car - a metallic gold MK1 Prelude with tan Connolly leather interior. It was a great car, let down only by over-assisted PAS and a propensity to rust around the windscreen, wish had I had it from new I’m sure could have been prevented/avoided.
    This car started my Honda love, with another Prelude, two CRXs, nearly a DC5 Integra and now the NSX.
    Updated 20-09-2023 at 08:15 PM by NZNick (spelling)
  15. NZNick's Avatar
    Hi Kaz - spotted this (admittedly USA biased) YouTube video about the Bridgestone offerings of now (September 2023) which you may find interesting
  16. NSXGB's Avatar
    I purchased the Type-R clutch pedal and damperless joint about 5 years ago and have never got around to fitting them!
    Updated 18-08-2023 at 03:24 PM by NSXGB
  17. Heineken's Avatar
    I'm a little scared about the price increase and quality status - Honda is potentially using these parts in their refresh program which is far from cheap and I would think that the owners taking that service would expect the best in quality. That also implies that there is a Honda internal quality check existing since they are using the parts themself. I hop this trend will turn around at some time ..
  18. Heineken's Avatar
  19. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar
    Thank you for the kind words, Peter.
    No NSX service and nerve-racking for about 10days but good news from Japan and now back in the garage.
    At the age of almost 90, anything can happen.
    Guess something to go through at certain point in one’s life.
  20. PeterW's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about the medical emergency back home. I'm sure it's not easy being so far away.
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