Hey guys,

I'm after some advice as I appear to be stranded at work on my first day back (doh!!).

We fitted a replacement Nardi wheel and a new stereo yesterday, I drove it 40 miles home with no issues, everything working great. Then this morning driving to work the 'broken' door speakers flicker to life on and off, crackling and spitting then working great then spitting again.

Anyway I pull into work and cut the ignition and now it's totally dead, like the battery has been taken out! I can't remote lock it or even get ignition lights and it appears I am now stranded at my office haha.

I replaced the main relay last week with no issues though when my first relay went I believe I still had power it just wouldn't turn on.

Please help! I work nearish a halfords so if it's fuses I could pop out at lunch and try things?
