I went to a rolling road day at Bridgwater today and got some strange results.

Since I bought the car from Kev I had used a couple of tanks of normal 95 octane fuel then since I've used shell vpower.

My thought behind it was as this car has a mugen chip, surely it's mapped to take advantage of higher octane fuel otherwise there'd be little point / benefit. My other car has different software and is recommended to use 99 octane fuel so this also made me think this. Since using the 99 octane fuel it certainly has felt faster.

I know these results bare little relevance to other figures on this forum but thought they might be of interest:

I can't really believe it has 100bhp transmission losses. They had trouble finding somewhere to strap the car down and I'm not sure what they strapped it to in the end. I certainly wasn't impressed by their knowledge either.

The flywheel figures always seem pretty good from this particular rolling road (used it 2 or 3 times in the past). Standard cars were getting the figures they were supposed to and there were a fair few people getting less than they were expecting.

I believe Kev got ~280bhp? last time he had it rolled at TDI and I think the changes since then are the exhaust manifolds and the fuel?

Guess I need to go to TDI but its stupidly far away