Hi nothing cloak and dagger about this

My dad asked me to enquire about the car from some members of this forum.
I hence went out out after getting some feedback of car to view ,liked the car brought the car from a lovely lady called mrs skinner who kept the car stored at jaguar showroom which belonged to a freind of hers .

Car was and is mint as described .brougt the car to my dad whojust didnt like the colour or the sound of the exhaust and wheel said it reminds him of knight rider hence him trying to find out on here as a guest for a guide price as he thought he should easily make 30 grand for it.

any way to cut a long story short he dosnt like it and I dont have the funds to buy ,so will be sold again .!

Any ifnfo needed i will be more than willing to help and im defenitely not a trader just a nsx lover who is always on the hunt for that special nsx.