Quote Originally Posted by Kaz-kzukNA1 View Post
Hi, Andy.

Exactly what do you want to achieve?

If you can clarify your purpose and also exactly what you want (number of terminals, male/female, location, etc) then I may be able to get it from Japan.

Based on your photo, it's the Sumitomo 090 non-WPC HD series 4 pin but not sure whether you are after the plug or the socket or both.
HD series is discontinued so I need to check the availability first.

If you just need to establish the connection, then you have lots of options by using other connectors.
You can find suitable connectors at Maplin or order it through RS, Farnell, Digikey, etc.

Hi Kaz,

I managed to get hold of a pair of pretty much mint condition seats. Unfortunately when I took the old one out at the weekend and put the new ones in, they had the harness end cut.

My intention is to put the new seats in, take my old ones out, which are slightly worn and get these refurbished whilst I have the new seats in temporarily.

So the photo I have put up shows the underside of my seat with the connector I am looking for and would need two of these I guess, one for each seat.

Is the grey piece in the picture a standard socket? SOrry for sounding untechnical.

Cheers Kaz - Hope you and the wife are doing well and it was a shame I couldnt catch up with you at Japfest.

