Blog Comments

  1. Kaz-kzukNA1's Avatar
    While didn’t get any feedback over the GROM Support Forum, contacted their USA Customer Support directly to generate issue ticket.

    And got reply very quickly and further communication made.

    Here is the conclusion.

    If you have the European spec Audio Head Unit, you may have same phenomenon/issue as above.
    This is not just for NSX but potentially with other European Honda models from similar era.

    It's BT3 hardware spec related and can't be dealt with firmware update.
    In short, extra data/message on MBUS making it harder for BT3 to process resulting in this issue.

    BT3 hardware haven't been updated for 8 years whereas USB3 has been upgraded and also has faster processor.

    For this reason, for NSX European spec Audio Head Unit, they recommend the GROM USB3.
    Already installed USB3 for several owners and it did work.

    Interestingly, GROM UK has now removed 91 - 05 Honda NSX from their vehicle compatibility selection guide that can be found at the top of their homepage.
    However, still in their pdf list so be careful.

    For your reference, the other owner with the European spec audio head unit + GROM BT3 provided me with further feedback.
    He confirmed that he also got exactly the same issue.

    However, he is happy dealing with this by resetting and pairing the Bluetooth everytime when he parked the car.

    So, BT3 can be made to work with European spec audio head unit.
    You just need to be ready to carry out the reset procedure everytime when parking the car or changing the function mode.
