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View Full Version : "H16 NSX" 1992 on the market

06-09-2011, 08:30 PM
Hi All,

As previously mentioned I am on the NSX hunt, and looking for general opinion on the NSX "H16 NSX" which is on autotrader / pistonheads / eBay, not to be confused with "H6 NSX" which is coincidentally also up at the moment and discussed in another thread.


Particularly interested to hear from any previous owners or those that have come across the car before.

Thanks as always,

Looks to me like it's priced to match the description

06-09-2011, 11:01 PM
What's going on around the ignition? Stolen at some stage?

Ad is quiet on where the SH is from, or what a "big" service is. If you're comfortable with the answers to these, worth a look.

Expensive enough for an early tonup mile-er though...

07-09-2011, 07:16 PM
What's going on around the ignition? Stolen at some stage?

Dont see anything wrong with the ignition other than it has the immobiliser slot next to it.

07-09-2011, 09:00 PM
Dont see anything wrong with the ignition other than it has the immobiliser slot next to it.

Maybe just me, but I think it looks pretty scuffed around the edge of the recess - like something's been levering the barrel. Immobiliser slot nasty by current standards, but perfectly liveable withable for a car that's come through the nineties (and therefore many earlier, typically intrusive, generations of security).

07-09-2011, 09:16 PM
Here we go again........

07-09-2011, 09:28 PM
Maybe just me, but I think it looks pretty scuffed around the edge of the recess - like something's been levering the barrel. Immobiliser slot nasty by current standards, but perfectly liveable withable for a car that's come through the nineties (and therefore many earlier, typically intrusive, generations of security).

I've seen that kind of scuffing on a few cars, even later models, noting out of the norm there!

07-09-2011, 09:46 PM
Here we go again........

James - I appreciate your feelings on general comments on cars, but this one seems inconsistent with your stated code to such commentary. A prospective buyer has here asked for opinions. I have offered some based on my experience... I do so because similar commentary from others was immensely useful to me when buying. Sudesh has subsequently countered with rational and informed comments negating my points. Thus, in the round, NSXCB has highlighted some things visible in photos and decided, as a hive-mind, that things are fine.

I find that useful, but am willing to hear why it's not, or why it's frivolous, or why unhelpful, or otherwise negative, given the context of a specific request for comments from a potential buyer.

08-09-2011, 07:18 AM
I was just surprised how you could get from from a few scuffs around the barrel. To looks like 'Someone's been levering it.' In fact on an earlier post you hint it may have been stolen.
I don't think that was inconsistent with my views at all. As Sudesh pointed out this is a pretty standard wear pattern, even on later cars. It didn't seem unreasonable to think that your comments were a bit 'OTT' in light of the heated discussion we'd had the day before.



Nick Graves
08-09-2011, 08:10 PM
Indeed, it hides behind the wheel & your hand & is unlit.

Unless you use your finger to find the slot & slide it in gently and if you are the sort of brute that simply stabs away at it until it goes in, it will end up all scraggy & tatty.

08-09-2011, 08:29 PM
Indeed, it hides behind the wheel & your hand & is unlit.

Unless you use your finger to find the slot & slide it in gently and if you are the sort of brute that simply stabs away at it until it goes in, it will end up all scraggy & tatty.

The sort of brute that stabs away at it until it goes in ?

Are we still talking ignition barrels here? :):):)

08-09-2011, 09:27 PM
"Immobiliser slot nasty by current standards" . . . . probably [and a complete speculation by myself] a standard Thatham Cat 1 immobiliser of the period, manufactured by Hamilton-Palmer, badged Honda and supplied and fitted by a Honda garage. If it is, check that the programming 'plipper' is supplied as will be needed to programme additional or replacement remotes.

09-09-2011, 11:49 AM
I have to agree with James on this one. If that were my car for sale and i read that sort of comment on a forum,from someone who has never even seen the car i would be pretty pi$$ed off.
As forum admin asked previously,unless someone knows the car personally,dont make derogatory comments about it.

09-09-2011, 02:01 PM
Expensive enough for an early tonup mile-er though...

Not at all. An absolute bargain if this design milestone and appreciating modern classic machine is indeed a reasonably straight, honest example. Even the legendary Honda NSX gains a few age wrinkles (laughter lines :)) after 20 years and could benefit from a little cosmetic surgery :)



09-09-2011, 07:32 PM
Looks nicely presented, but then you'd hope that sort of dealer would do a proper prep.

Agree with Mark that, if straight and well-maintained, it's a sensible price. It's the classic colour in the original spec, and a couple of scuffs aside looks pretty tidy inside and out. I'd be checking on the history carefully, see if anything beyond 'just servicing' has been done, as that age and miles will probably mean quite a bit of refurb work required over the next few years.

Re: ignition slot - doesn't look stolen, just used by someone clumsy! The immobiliser slot is better than some I've seen but unfortunate, as it can't be 'cleanly removed'. If it is a H-P system I'd be getting someone to rip it out and replace it with something decent - H-P don't have the best of reputations, just ask S2000 owners! :(

15-09-2011, 04:38 PM
Many thanks for all construtive comments thus far.

I know I've already asked but just in case it was missed I'll ask again, if there are any previous owners or persons that know the car in the flesh out there, a PM with any insights would be really appreciated. I ask again because I'm off to see the car myself on Saturday.

Many thanks,

18-09-2011, 07:30 PM
".....I ask again because I'm off to see the car myself on Saturday.

Many thanks,

And your verdict is ....

Silver Surfer
18-09-2011, 08:20 PM
My money is that it would be bought....


18-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Bought... by me! :)

Well put a deposit down to be precise. I need a week to get finances together, sort insurance etc. I spent a good few hours going over the car and its history with a fine tooth comb, and obviously gave it a good drive too. Made me feel good because it's by no means in absolutely perfect condition, but just came across as a really well loved and looked after 19 year old car. Only substantial wear is on the drivers seat, which I guess you'd expect for a 100k car. I love the fact it's almost exactly as it was when it came out of the factory all those years ago; I think the only modifications are the immobiliser and a retro apline CD changer.

I'm just so chuffed to be joining the NSX owners club. I really don't mean this to sound pretentious (and sorry if it does!), but when I started doing ok for myself I set myself the target of having earned myself an NSX by the time I was 25, and I'm proud to be able to say I've done it!

Thanks so much to everybody here for helping me in my search. I look forward to meeting you in person at an NSX meet soon :)


Silver Surfer
18-09-2011, 09:49 PM
Well done and congrats James....a very warm welcome to NSX ownership.

The car does look good in the pics in my eyes too....It's the fastest colour! ;)
Look forward to seeing you and your car at one of the meets.


19-09-2011, 08:49 AM
Congrats - look forward to meeting up and seeing the car :-)

19-09-2011, 09:05 AM
Well done James,

See you and your NSX soon!

regards, Paul