View Full Version : A rant NEC/TopGear

15-11-2010, 06:18 PM
I stupidly decided to go to the Classic Car show/Top Gear Live at the NEC yesterday.
I had never been to the NEC before so was a bit surprised to find I had to park about 3 miles (ish) away from the venue and pay £8 for the privilege.
They do lay on a "free" shuttle bus but as there were about 300 people trying to get onto one bus it seemed prudent to just hike up the arena with all the other sheep.
Once there I was relieved of £20 to enter the Classic Car show.
Now,this was pretty good in terms of the amount of cars on display and the numerous stalls,however the experience was somewhat marred by the hordes of people milling around like headless chickens which meant it was almost impossible to get anywhere at any sort of speed.Frequently,it was easier to turn around and "go with the flow".
It was very difficult to actually stand still and look at anything without being in someones way.After a couple of hours I thought I would go and have a look at the MPH stands and Top Gear Live.
Another £25 please sir.
This is where it got really soul destroying.
The whole Top Gear mission was to extract as much money as possible through the merchandise stands.
£45 for a Top Gear hoodie? I wouldn't want one anyway,or an "I am the Stig" T-Shirt but that is not the point.
Now,45 minutes before the Top Gear show started we were tannoyed to make our way to the show.Everyone decided they need the toilet beforehand.I have not seen queues like it since the bread queues during the height of the communist regime in Moscow.I do not exaggerate when I say there were about 200 people queuing,and the womens queue was even longer.
Anyway,after being "herded" (and I use that word because it was exactly what it felt like) into the show and taking up my seat with about as much legroom as the rear seats of a 200sx,I found myself sitting next to a fat scouser that had decided to bring all his shopping in with him and balance it on his knees.
Waiting for the show to start (20 mins) the screens showed the advert for Clarksons new DVD no less that 5 times along with Hammonds online quiz app.
I wont bore you with the details of the actual show,suffice to say that once you have seen one car driving around a stage the size of half a football pitch,you have seen them all.
The show was alright but you ain't missing much if you haven't seen it.All the usual Top Gear stuff like cool wall,car football,stupid cars made of household appliances and stunt drivers and about 10 mins of Clarkson,Hammond and May shoved in between.
After the show (75 mins) I made my way back into the main hall and attempted to have a look round.Unfortunately,every stand was mobbed by chavs drooling over Evos,Imprezas etc.
I decided to take my leave and beat the lemmings out of the car park.
After being relieved of £1.80 for a bottle of luke warm Pepsi I yomped back to the car.
In all honesty,the drive to and from the event was infinitely more enjoyable than the event itself.Top Gear have gone right down in my estimation.Just a massive marketing activity designed to make as much cash as possible.Clarkson must be close to being a millionaire for christ sake.Does he really need to prostitute himself like this?
I went on my own but a family of 4 would have easily found themselves about £200 down for the day.
It just isn't worth it in my opinion.
Needless to say,I will be sticking to the local,low key car shows in future,where there are real enthusiasts and it costs sod all to go.
Rant over:)

15-11-2010, 07:38 PM
Hey that's rip off Britain for you!!

It's quite good going every second or third year to the Geneva motor show. If you book a flight ahead it'll cost ~£30. The show is a short walk from the airport terminal, 5 mins, and entry is only ~€14! You can add a train ride into the city and dinner if you want later in the day....Jet-setting was never so easy for a dayout instead of slumming in Brummy, even if you can't afford the exotica!!

Brits are just mugs to put up with the **** that is offered to us and the NEC parking particularly pisses me off. We'll be getting charged for walking on the path from the carpark to the centre soon!!!

15-11-2010, 07:56 PM
I forgot to mention the fact that Clarkson also slagged off Ben Collins.
Totally uncalled for in my opinion.Clarkson is quite happy to sell his books,DVD's,magazine columns etc. but doesn't like someone else doing it.
They also showed a film of the so called "Stig farm",and had another go at him.
Petty,small minded vindictiveness.
I thought more of Clarkson to be honest.The more I think about it,the more dissappointed I am.

15-11-2010, 07:58 PM
IClarkson must be close to being a millionaire for christ sake

And the rest


15-11-2010, 10:01 PM
Sorry that it was a waste of money & very stressfull, but you have reinforced my view on why I have never been tempted by this event.

15-11-2010, 10:15 PM
the classic show is worth the visit, lots of rare unusual kit, but the topgear side of it has always been about the money!

15-11-2010, 10:16 PM
the classic show is worth the visit, lots of rare unusual kit, but the topgear side of it has always been about the money!

Yeah totally agree, I paid a visit to the classic show and loved it, didnt venture into any of the other shows.

16-11-2010, 05:44 PM
very interesting read, and would not consider it a rant personally myself. actually i think you have done a lot of people a favour by describing the BBC's cash cow and to heave even more cash and air time to clarkson, hammond and may! :(

but we live in a world full of this now, and would any of us do anything different if we had the same luck/break?!

i thought your post was quite humourous and would typically describe a situation for most punters i would guess at this event.

i was always interested in taking in a top gear (live) show, but after your report i think i will save my pennies instead and invest in my NSX as per normal! I think money better spent! :eek:

sorry to hear it was a bit of a downer for you, and a lot of hard earned cash parted with too, but at least you enjoyed the C.C.S.

thanks for the heads up

16-11-2010, 06:05 PM
Having had time to reflect,I stand by every word.I won't be attending that particular event ever again.
There is now an advert on Talksport every 10 mins for Clarksons new DVD.
It has just come on as I am writing this!
Next time he tells us about the Ferrari he has just ordered,I will be thinking of the poor suckers like me and the thousands of others that put the money in his pocket.
I am done with him.
Anyone want to buy my Clarkson books?

16-11-2010, 10:46 PM
I don't get it. Was the show crap or is it a rant about price?

I for one hate all thos type of events where a lot of "general public" are present.

As for the price, £8 pounds is reasonable for car park, and the rest is just in keeping with current show prices.

Everyone has to make a living and is our choice not to pay what we might consider a rip off price!

16-11-2010, 11:04 PM
Have to say I'm with nakamichi on this one. Sure, I take Ary's point - it's just the operation of a free market - but I dislike Clarkson's ever-increasing posturing, blustering, and (for me personally) cheapening of what it means to take pleasure in cars and driving.

But then, what's the alternative... Tiff? :no:

Top Gear is a big franchise, big business, and I guess we can all learn from nakamichi's post and decide whether this sort of thing's for us.

16-11-2010, 11:10 PM
Can't say about Clarkson as I have never met him, but I met May on a non motoring related activity and he was a true gent.

As for top gear I think of it as entertaintment, not a true motoring show.

17-11-2010, 10:18 AM
Why is the event so crowded if the quality is so bad for the money? I feel for nakamichi being ripped off and I'm with Justin on how good the marketing of Mr. Clarkson sells him: but I dislike Clarkson's ever-increasing posturing, blustering, and (for me personally) cheapening of what it means to take pleasure in cars and driving.
Every car he drives is THE BEST EVER in some sort of ways, even if it's a Lada 1000. :rolleyes:

NSX 2000
17-11-2010, 11:01 AM
very interesting read, and would not consider it a rant personally myself. actually i think you have done a lot of people a favour by describing the BBC's cash cow and to heave even more cash and air time to clarkson, hammond and may! :(

I stand to be corrected but I think the BBC doesn’t get anything from this, and I don't think they get anything from the magazine. As I understand it they only get money from the TV programme, and the only reason they still make it and do crazy stunts is that they are able to sell it to other TV channels abroad.

17-11-2010, 02:04 PM
Why is the event so crowded if the quality is so bad for the money? :rolleyes:
Because people will turn up to anything and pay anything if they think they will get an "experience".
Look at the thousands that trudge down to Glastonbury every year,pay hundreds of pounds,and spend a miserable few days in primitive conditions.They will say it is for the "experience" and people went to Top Gear Live for the "experience".
Personally,and I must stress this is ONLY my personal opinion,I would prefer to stay at home,eating chocolate in front of a log fire,watching reruns of old Top Gears on Dave.
The total cost of my trip to the NEC was over £100 and I went on my own.I can think of a lot better things to spend £100 on.
Each to their own,but in my book,it just wasn't worth it for all the reasons stated in my first post.
I genuinely felt as if I had been robbed
The lemming mentality of the masses is what drives them to attend these things.
I went to Carnoustie in the summer to watch the Senior Open.I had free tickets but would have been gutted if I had paid for the "experience".It is far,far better to watch sport on TV.
Granted,you miss out on the experience of spending hours stuck in traffic,getting battered by the elements,being jostled and pushed by the crowds and having your wallet relieved of loads of money to buy overpriced drinks and food,but I can live without that sort of experience thankyou.
Think on this.As my seat was at the back of the arena,I could hardly see anything without the aid of a telescope and consequently watched most
of it on the big screens .I might just have well have watched it on YouTube for nothing LOL:)

17-11-2010, 04:32 PM
It is far,far better to watch sport on TV.
Granted,you miss out on the experience of spending hours stuck in traffic,getting battered by the elements,being jostled and pushed by the crowds and having your wallet relieved of loads of money to buy overpriced drinks and food,but I can live without that sort of experience thankyou.
I might just have well have watched it on YouTube for nothing LOL:)

Watching sport on TV: that's why I never attended a F1 GP and won't ever in the future. :) What would you have said/written if you'd have been to a F1 race and the 'wrong' driver wins it?

Youtube: Yes, that's what I wanted to mention before. But if nobody goes to the show = no youtube clip. :)

17-11-2010, 04:39 PM
i would be surprised if they had not a vested interest in all of this, but i could be wrong too :)

the bbc was instigating the gag order against previous Stig for example ... so who knows

either way was good to read an objective viewpoint from someone that attended this type of event.

I stand to be corrected but I think the BBC doesn’t get anything from this, and I don't think they get anything from the magazine. As I understand it they only get money from the TV programme, and the only reason they still make it and do crazy stunts is that they are able to sell it to other TV channels abroad.

17-11-2010, 09:36 PM
I went to the NEC Classic on Sunday and for me it was a great event. I steered well clear of the 'Top Gear' bit, spent some quality time learning first hand what F40 ownership & servicing costs are all about from the guy with the 2000 mile concours example - how the other half live, etc, but a fascinating insight & guided tour round all the elements of this iconic car nevertheless, had a good gander at one of the Nick Cartwright sons' racing 328s (had the great fortune to go out in the other son's 328 at Donington a few weeks ago - masterclass!) and then came across my beloved old burgandy / black Alpine Renault GTA Le Mans widebody (No. 18!) and had a really good natter with the guy who bought it off me - plus met up with various friends old & new.

I think the classic fraternity passion is brilliant, and like it or not we are part of it now with our NSXs. Perhaps we really ought to think about being there next time. Talking of which, the pristine low mileage 04 NA2 example on sale went during the weekend(£48k asking price!)

Each to his or her own I guess !

17-11-2010, 10:15 PM
I think the classic fraternity passion is brilliant, and like it or not we are part of it now with our NSXs. Perhaps we really ought to think about being there next time.

I think that's a great idea :)

17-11-2010, 10:55 PM
We need more events in the fall/winter...just so I can be there LOL.