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Paul G
11-03-2010, 12:02 AM

Now the sun has decided to show it's face and we have some half decent weather to enjoy I thought it would be a good time to uncover my P&J and take it for a spin.

After nine years of living outside and never missing a beat I promoted my car to a garage to enjoy it's old age. So a garage would just be plain sailing then!

I took the battery jump starter with me, as I kind of knew that I had left it too long between visits for it to be fully charged and ready to go. Open the garage door, take the cover off and go to open the passenger door with the key (had a replacement o/s barrell before my ownership, so key doesn't fit drivers side, never bothered me as I use them alarm) Get the door open, and then it hits me, I park the cover over to the left so I can get out and not bang the drivers door, all well and good, but now I have a gap of about 5" on the passengers door and have no chance of getting in the car to open the drivers door! I can't reach the handbrake to release it so as I could push it out. So I have well and truely screwed up!!!!

Can anyone confirm if there is anywhere that I will be able to jack the car up so that I can move it either over to the right hand side or push it back out the garage? I don't think I have enough room to get a trolley jack in place on the jacking points as there is not enough room (single garage) is there anywhere going in from under the rear bumber that would enable me to jack up safely and move? Any advice much appriciated.

Thanks in advance

11-03-2010, 12:13 AM
I know people have used the cross member to jack it up before. i would not want to on a daily basis but it looks like you have no choice. It is strong enough to take the weight during MOT wheel checks so it should be fine for sliding it across. A good rubber block would help. YMMV.

dan the man
11-03-2010, 05:28 AM
Ahh man feel for you there! I always used to leave handbrake off in a flat dry garage.... would have been handy!

Can u not plug in battery at the front? and then unlock using key fob?

EDIT...u cant pop the bonnet can you. :/ Damn hmmm my brains thinking now....

11-03-2010, 06:37 AM

Now the sun has decided to show it's face and we have some half decent weather to enjoy I thought it would be a good time to uncover my P&J and take it for a spin.

After nine years of living outside and never missing a beat I promoted my car to a garage to enjoy it's old age. So a garage would just be plain sailing then!

I took the battery jump starter with me, as I kind of knew that I had left it too long between visits for it to be fully charged and ready to go. Open the garage door, take the cover off and go to open the passenger door with the key (had a replacement o/s barrell before my ownership, so key doesn't fit drivers side, never bothered me as I use them alarm) Get the door open, and then it hits me, I park the cover over to the left so I can get out and not bang the drivers door, all well and good, but now I have a gap of about 5" on the passengers door and have no chance of getting in the car to open the drivers door! I can't reach the handbrake to release it so as I could push it out. So I have well and truely screwed up!!!!

Can anyone confirm if there is anywhere that I will be able to jack the car up so that I can move it either over to the right hand side or push it back out the garage? I don't think I have enough room to get a trolley jack in place on the jacking points as there is not enough room (single garage) is there anywhere going in from under the rear bumber that would enable me to jack up safely and move? Any advice much appriciated.

Thanks in advance

Unless the brakes have rusted on or you have pulled the handbrake on very tightly, I would be tempted to tow it out, as the handbrake isn't that strong.

NSX France
11-03-2010, 08:02 AM
Ahh man feel for you there! I always used to leave handbrake off in a flat dry garage.... would have been handy!

Can u not plug in battery at the front? and then unlock using key fob?

EDIT...u cant pop the bonnet can you. :/ Damn hmmm my brains thinking now....

If I understood everything, and is not certain

I think but I'm not sure you can reach the battery by under the car with wires and clamps to put 12 v power (after lifting with a jack and perhaps by removing a front wheel) .

Kaz pic for battery view

(PS : Hi Dan )

NSX 2000
11-03-2010, 11:27 AM
Could you use something like a rubbish picker-up thing

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://rubbish.pick-up-tool.com/assets/images/reaching-under-fence.jpg&imgrefurl=http://rubbish.pick-up-tool.com/&usg=__JageSUs9sJsjEHYwijwy9RuJaXI=&h=296&w=212&sz=17&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=jPTUliijcYwATM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drubbish%2Bpick%2Bup%2Btool%26um%3D1%2 6hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1

to reach the drivers doorhandle? Maybe even a walking stick?

Paul G
11-03-2010, 12:05 PM
Thanks guys,

Some real useful info, I'm sure one of them will work. I've booked some time with my mate this Saturday to bring my car back to life!

Going forward, no handbrake will be left on for starters, then I'll think about my diet ;-)

I appriciate all advice and will let you know which method takes the money (or a burger at Japfest!

Glad I owned up now....


11-03-2010, 02:40 PM
Hi, Paul.
Not sure I understood all of the available info correctly but I presume;

1. You have enough space at the right side to place jack underneath but not at the left side.
2. You can open the Left door but the opening is very small and can't get inside.
3. Not possible to open the Right door with the key.
4. Battery seems to be almost flat.

If above assumption is correct, I'll first try the method that NSX 2000 suggested.

If it didn't work out, then, if you know any local garages or body shops, ask for the wheel skate.
You need at least two of them but ideally four.

Hope you have enough space at the left side to slide this around the tyre and operate the lever with your foot.
It will lift the tyre about 5cm off the ground.

I just moved one NSX that hit the tyre barrier at the track and used almost exactly the same tool at the body shop. The damage was big enough that it didn't allow us to turn the steering wheel so had to use the wheel skate.

Two of them at the left side and either use big jack at the right centre or another two wheel skates at the right side tyres.

Good luck.


11-03-2010, 06:07 PM
Could you use something like a rubbish picker-up thing

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://rubbish.pick-up-tool.com/assets/images/reaching-under-fence.jpg&imgrefurl=http://rubbish.pick-up-tool.com/&usg=__JageSUs9sJsjEHYwijwy9RuJaXI=&h=296&w=212&sz=17&hl=en&start=5&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=jPTUliijcYwATM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drubbish%2Bpick%2Bup%2Btool%26um%3D1%2 6hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1

to reach the drivers doorhandle? Maybe even a walking stick?

Great suggestion!

Coat hanger is also a good tool, also do you have AA or RAC?

Call then and tell them you got lock out.



Paul G
11-03-2010, 09:24 PM
Just picked up my litter collector, getting used to how it handles before Saturday, it might just work! I have a feeling I'm going to come up short when it comes to reaching across to the other side of the car, but it's going to be option 1.

Kaz, you are correct in your assumptions. I have been phoning around today to some old contacts from my motor trade days to see if I can locate the wheel skates, they will do the job I'm sure. I did look into buying a set on Monday but the cost has put me off for what I hope will be a one off! I've got one more bodyshop to try tomorrow (I used to race bikes with the owner a few years back, so if he has some, I could be in luck).

AR - I do have AA membership (not home start though) the only thing in my favour is that where I have the NSX is not in my garage at the house, it's just down the road, as far as I can see so long as it over 3/4 mile away they will come out to me ;-)

Cheers guys, roll on Saturday!

12-03-2010, 09:18 AM
Can't a skinny young nipper be employed to squeeze in the door gap? I don't think the chimney sweeping trade is too great in the recession and they may be grateful for the work! Then you have handbrake, door, bonnet or engine cover options all available! :laugh:

12-03-2010, 12:28 PM
ok this is too late to help - but why lock the car in the garage ?
Do you know a surgeon who has one of those long bendy Endoscope things ? That might work

Paul G
12-03-2010, 09:27 PM
Can't a skinny young nipper be employed to squeeze in the door gap? I don't think the chimney sweeping trade is too great in the recession and they may be grateful for the work! Then you have handbrake, door, bonnet or engine cover options all available! :laugh:

my Skinny 11 year old tried her best, I put as much padding agaisnt the garage to protect the door but no way was she going to get in. Looks like she will be going back to her day job ;-)

With regards to locking the car in the garage, I guess main reason is because the car is away from my house (mountain bikes, motorbikes and horse saddles seem to fill my garage at home!) so it was just another layer of protection?! Maybe I'll think this over after the weekend.