View Full Version : evo mag needs NSX

Mr Tommo
27-01-2010, 03:50 PM

Very short notice, but we're looking for a nice, original NSX coupe for a Buying Guide shoot in a studio in Leighton Buzzard this Friday. If anyone can help, please email me at petert@evo.co.uk or call 07770278059.

Many thanks,

Peter Tomalin
evo magazine

27-01-2010, 04:00 PM

Very short notice, but we're looking for a nice, original NSX coupe for a Buying Guide shoot in a studio in Leighton Buzzard this Friday. If anyone can help, please email me at petert@evo.co.uk or call 07770278059.

Many thanks,

Peter Tomalin
evo magazine

Another one (NSX buying guide), I seem to remember the NSX was featured in the very first edition of evo way back in 1998 :) No re-hashing the old article now Mr Tomalin ;)

I'm sure someone here will be able to help you out.



27-01-2010, 04:15 PM
What's it worth at this short notice and which model?:D

27-01-2010, 04:35 PM
I have sent an e-mail to Mr.T. It might be fun.

27-01-2010, 05:02 PM
Just managed to get hold of the wife and she's off.

Baz beat me to it. Hope you have a fun day:)


27-01-2010, 05:31 PM
Sorry Ian!

27-01-2010, 05:39 PM
No worries, (but silver is the best and fastest colour :laugh:)


m666 edd
27-01-2010, 06:30 PM
Red is the most common colour so it's more apt for a 'original' one :)

27-01-2010, 06:58 PM
No worries, (but silver is the best and fastest colour :laugh:)


And less common apparently :laugh:

Paul G
27-01-2010, 07:56 PM
I also sent a mail today, when I saw "original" I took it as an early model required!!! it's been a long day ;-) couple that with the possibilty of me taking the plunge and posting a for sale ad for it, I guess I got a bit keen! Hey, plus a few decent pictures won't go amiss.

Good luck Baz, you seem to be at the front of the queue. Make sure you get more than one picture (that's all I got from the Autocar shoot a couple of years ago)


27-01-2010, 08:17 PM
Another one (NSX buying guide), I seem to remember the NSX was featured in the very first edition of evo way back in 1998 :) No re-hashing the old article now Mr Tomalin ;)

I'm sure someone here will be able to help you out.



It's inevitable, journos always do. Most have an aversion to factual information. So not so much, will they **** it up, more, to what extent.

Cheers, James.

27-01-2010, 08:41 PM
Cynic! ;)

At least evo's buying guides are closer to the truth than certain other magazines we could name...

Baz - don't give away all of our dirty little secrets, eh, otherwise the values will plummet! :D And have fun...

27-01-2010, 10:56 PM
Lets hope Evo write up a good & honest aticle based on real facts & not from some of the inaccurate information thats been used before.

27-01-2010, 11:14 PM
I also sent a mail today, when I saw "original" I took it as an early model required!!! it's been a long day ;-) couple that with the possibilty of me taking the plunge and posting a for sale ad for it, I guess I got a bit keen! Hey, plus a few decent pictures won't go amiss.

Good luck Baz, you seem to be at the front of the queue. Make sure you get more than one picture (that's all I got from the Autocar shoot a couple of years ago)


Given the production life (>15 yrs) of the NSX they should really feature an early car AND a late model so you should both be there.

This would also highlight the evolution, albeit limited, of the species and the benefits of a newer/fresher specimen.

If they deem a sample of one of the JDM "specials" relevant I might even make the shoot myself :)

Over to you Mr T



27-01-2010, 11:48 PM
Offer mine LOL!

28-01-2010, 12:53 AM
Offer mine LOL!

Ha ha, nooo mutants don't count :)

28-01-2010, 01:03 AM
Ha ha, nooo mutants don't count :)


28-01-2010, 12:35 PM
Good call Mark,

And this would make for a great shoot and the basis of a really strong article (apart from 2 out of 3 potentially being for sale in the article:()

regards, Paul

Given the production life (>15 yrs) of the NSX they should really feature an early car AND a late model so you should both be there.

This would also highlight the evolution, albeit limited, of the species and the benefits of a newer/fresher specimen.

If they deem a sample of one of the JDM "specials" relevant I might even make the shoot myself :)

Over to you Mr T



28-01-2010, 03:08 PM
Good call Mark,

And this would make for a great shoot and the basis of a really strong article (apart from 2 out of 3 potentially being for sale in the article:()

regards, Paul

While I've always thought it would be quite nice to see one's own car in a magazine article I have always found it quite irksome when I've read at the end of the article "thingamybob's x-mobile is currently up for sale, contact us and we'll pass on your details"

If you are going to promote the particular car then why show your loyalty by selling it a nano-second after getting it in print?

This is just a general comment on all articles in the past.

In the case of the NSX then any prospective buyers may find cars hard to source and two for sale right in front of their eyes might make it easy for them but I also think morally it is wrong for the "sellers" to use this as a free advertising tool, possibly hyping up their price in the process. I know I know that many articles are used in this way but it just seems a bit sly....

28-01-2010, 03:56 PM
If you are going to promote the particular car then why show your loyalty by selling it a nano-second after getting it in print?

This is just a general comment on all articles in the past.


No everyone sales their NSX or any othe car because they want to.#



28-01-2010, 04:08 PM
You might like to know that at the moment I am leaning heavily towards keeping my car thank you very much so please do not jump to conclusions! I offered to participate because I thought it would be fun - and give me a good excuse to extract it from its garage for a blast.


28-01-2010, 04:43 PM
You might like to know that at the moment I am leaning heavily towards keeping my car thank you very much so please do not jump to conclusions! I offered to participate because I thought it would be fun - and give me a good excuse to extract it from its garage for a blast.


I'm not jumping to any conclusion! Just stating my opinion that I'd rather see the subjects of magazine articles be more leaning towards to appreciation, review, driving, ownership etc than ultimately an ad at the end where the featured cars are then punted on the reader.

I know you have advertised, "sold" then withdrawn the sale of your car so my comments are not personal as such. I know you appear to be in a dilema over selling it as well. What I was getting at was a follow on from what Paul wrote where I have seen many for sale ads at the end of write-ups and it would be spoilt in my opinion with the same eventuality in an NSX write-up....Much nicer to read about a happy owner who is looking forward to years of future ownership than one who thinks great, my cars up for sale in X-magazine, read and see how great it looks and sounds and pay me accordingly as it must be better than all the others out there.....

My car is quite close to where they are and I'd love to see it in a mag but it's not quite standard anymore....

I'm not meaning to get personal so please understand my comments and accept my apologies if need be. I'd rather just read and see the car(s) in print than witness a nice big free-ad......and as I've said these comments are bourne from numerous other car mags in the past....

28-01-2010, 04:58 PM
No offense taken!
You are correct in saying I did advertise my car, took a deposit and then the sale fell through. It was thought of it going that suddenly made me sit back and say 'do I really want to let this dream of a car go' and at the moment the answer is a resounding no!

I am sure you realise that I will not have much input into the contents of the article. fact the guy that's doing the words is John Simister and he is not even going to be around tomorrow - just the photographer, although I understand Joh will want want to talk to me later about ownership etc.



28-01-2010, 08:56 PM
Well Done Baz,

Dont forget to take your instant detailer spray for a quick touch up before the shoot ... runoured to raining all night :(

regards, Paul

Paul G
28-01-2010, 10:54 PM
Just for the record, I'm a happy owner, and have been for the past ten years! so some could say that would put me in a better position to comment with regard to "appreciation, review, driving, and indeed ownership! having been there and done it, enjoyed every minute,and would only have positive thoughts on such a awesome car.

A few on this forum know that I have drivien round for the last 8 months with a for sale poster in the boot and never displayed at either *** fest or the Silverstone Classic, due to the massive tug on the heart strings, and if the next car would be twice as good and get as much respect etc.... So loyalty would also spring to mind?

With regard to hyping up the price and pay me accordingly ( ignoring the fact that most other cars that I have been looking at have gone up in the last 6 months!!) the price on my car would be the same now as is printed on the poster, so as I'm the only other member on the fourm who happend to mention that I might be putting up for sale and was prepared to drive a 240 mile round journey, take a day off work (so not excatly free) for the photo shoot does hit a nerve. I think I will leave it there and assume that the sly comment was meant for those real price hiking punters with Rare exotic cars.

That's not bad for ten years ownership and only one rant!


29-01-2010, 08:31 AM
Baz I hope that you have a great day at the shoot, I would just be happy to see this incredible car get noticed by a magazine and remind people what they are missing.

Please post up a picture or two.

29-01-2010, 12:36 PM
It's inevitable, journos always do. Most have an aversion to factual information. So not so much, will they **** it up, more, to what extent.

Cheers, James.

Shall we start a list of information/advice (good and bad) that the "new" article contains. Here's my starter for 10... ;)

Slow steering
Dated/Low rent interior
Heavy tyre wear
Short clutch life
Expensive components (body panels/clutch/ac compressor/steering rack...)

Fabulous engine note
Superb gear change
Great ride quality
Day to day usability
Low service costs

IMHO a good new article should cover and have both early and late models together in the picture spread. It should pose the question to owners, "why the NSX over a P car, M3 etc." It should look at the engineering, some pics of the suspension arms etc.

Baz, Paul, why don't you follow up with your own written submissions to Peter at his email address as we have it? He can choose to use or ignore it but it increases the chances of getting your real views across rather than the soundbites he'll use from a recorded interview with you. You WILL come off the phone with him thinking "damn, I wish I'd said this or that", if it's written down in front of him he might actually use it.

So come on Mr Tomlain exceed our expectations and put together a genuinely complete article. It's the NSXs 20th birthday this year, it deserves one :)

In fact I might post something to the above effect on the evo forum...



29-01-2010, 03:55 PM
Maybe we should have a NSX factsheet/press release written by us that we send out to the mags and keep here for potential buyers?

We could have the owner/driver's experience, plus answer the usual criticisms at our cars.

For example;

Slow steering, well yes on the track there is an excessive amount of wheel twiddling for tight corners. However, at least I don't jump lanes, when I change radio stations, like I have been doing lately.

The seats may look dated with 80's style shoulder pads, but they didn't give me a backache after 10 miles.

The interior may be dated, but everything is ergonomic. I don't have to reach out my arm almost straight to be able to reach 5th gear (my current car being LHD). I could also operate the handbrake while keeping my arm on the armrest.

It would help obviously if it was written by people with experience of a variety of cars, ie not me.

29-01-2010, 05:53 PM
Six bloody hours to take a few snaps!!

Actually it was very interesting see how much time a professional photographer spends getting exactly the right shots with minute alterations in lighting angles etc etc. As it turned out John Simister was present and asked me questions about ownership and so on and although I will have no input into the major detail of his article I did suggest it would be worth him contacting our Kaz as THE independent specialist. Can someone therefore please pm me his contact details as John wants to talk to him when he returns from Barcelona this weekend where he trying out some new Kia rubbish - last week it was the new Lexus beast - all £350,000 of it! What a contrast.
As requested, I will post some pics from the day asap including one showing Brett Fraser cleaning one of my wheels!
Finally, can you please all resist the temptation to slag me off when the article finally appears for not getting all the releavant points over - I really did not have the option to steer the course of how the story will be written - these are journalists you know!
Anyway, it turned out to be a great day and the car was as faultless and wonderful as ever and I never even mentioned to John that I had been considering its sale!!


29-01-2010, 06:04 PM
Looking forward to seeing it myself :)

29-01-2010, 06:14 PM
Hi Baz,

I would out of courtesy pm Kaz first to ask if he is happy to pass on his contact details.

I doubt he would have a problem with it but I think it would be respectfull to seek his permission.



29-01-2010, 07:47 PM
Hi Baz,

I would out of courtesy pm Kaz first to ask if he is happy to pass on his contact details.

I doubt he would have a problem with it but I think it would be respectfull to seek his permission.



I was going to say exactly the same. Kaz seems quite a private individual, which should be respected.

30-01-2010, 10:06 AM
I was going to say exactly the same. Kaz seems quite a private individual, which should be respected.

I agree 100%!

30-01-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi Baz,

When I did the PPC mag article earlier in the year, the only thing that I can really claim to have had any input to in the final arrticle was the guide price which was noted by all. From the article that was written, it would appear to have been pre-preparred bar a few owner comments and the price guide.

It is nice to see one's P&J in print :)



30-01-2010, 11:23 AM
Don't worry - there is no way I would give Kaz's details to EVO without first seeking his permission. Trouble is no one has let me have his contact details yet!


Silver Surfer
30-01-2010, 12:08 PM
Best to PM Kaz.


30-01-2010, 02:59 PM

The only NSX I have ever seen on the road was a red/black one in a carpark in Walton around 4 years ago. Yours maybe?

30-01-2010, 05:29 PM
As promised - some pics!


30-01-2010, 06:49 PM
As promised - some pics!


Looking good, no wonder you dont want to let her go!

30-01-2010, 06:59 PM
Baz, the car looks great and its got to be a keeper now! :)

Silver Surfer
31-01-2010, 12:17 AM

The only NSX I have ever seen on the road was a red/black one in a carpark in Walton around 4 years ago. Yours maybe?

Could be Gumballs' as he resides near there as I didn't own the NSX until 2007. :)


04-03-2010, 10:54 AM
Hi All,

Just to let you know I had an e-mail from Peter Tomalin this morning to let me know that my car is scheduled to appear in the next issue of EVO (May, on sale March 31st).

I'm a bit concerned because although John Simister told me he would be contacting me for a chat about my car, he hasn't done so yet. Oh well, at least the photographs should look OK!!



04-03-2010, 11:29 PM
Baz, you mean April?

May be you should contact John for a reason why he has not contacted you?

Can't wait, I thought it might appear in this months edition. :(

05-03-2010, 12:35 AM
Hi, all.
After some exchanges of email and phone call with Baz, John tried to contact me a while ago so I left my mobile number and email address for him. So far, no further contacts from him... I hope I can contribute into his comments as the future of the existing NSX will rely on each owners...


05-03-2010, 01:13 AM
Hi, all.
After some exchanges of email and phone call with Baz, John tried to contact me a while ago so I left my mobile number and email address for him. So far, no further contacts from him... I hope I can contribute into his comments as the future of the existing NSX will rely on each owners...


Hi Kaz, going a bit off topic, but can you tell us anything regarding the next NSX/HSV?

Many thanks,


05-03-2010, 08:24 AM
Baz, don't want to worry you but don't get your hopes up about this interview.

My S2000 was one of the featured cars in AE's JD-Power survey a few years back. Had a call from John Whitmore, where he asked a few less-than-penetrating questions. I then asked him to let me know what the final copy was going to be so I could approve it.
- He didn't;
- He actually put words in my mouth in the final article! Just so he could make a couple of weak puns at my expense...needless to say he's on my "will punch him if I ever meet him" list!

Oh, and the 'tog they used was of the 'cheesy' school, despite my best efforts to pose the car and myself rather better. :(

I'd hope JS will be better, but he's a part-time evo scribe only and they are both part of the Dennis stable...

05-03-2010, 09:40 AM
Managed to talk to John S. this morning and was a bit horrified to hear that his article is all done and dusted. Says he was unable to contact Kaz but was able to obtain lots of NSX information - from where I have no idea. He barely spoke to me so I expect he will be putting all sorts of words into my mouth. Oh well, I guess any publicity for the marque is better than no publicity, although I guess some of you might disagree.
I will go and hide somewhere when the article appears!



05-03-2010, 09:43 AM
Hi All,

Just to let you know I had an e-mail from Peter Tomalin this morning to let me know that my car is scheduled to appear in the next issue of EVO (May, on sale March 31st).

I'm a bit concerned because although John Simister told me he would be contacting me for a chat about my car, he hasn't done so yet. Oh well, at least the photographs should look OK!!



Hi, all.
After some exchanges of email and phone call with Baz, John tried to contact me a while ago so I left my mobile number and email address for him. So far, no further contacts from him... I hope I can contribute into his comments as the future of the existing NSX will rely on each owners...


Chaps, as was suggested earlier in this thread, why don't you write up your thoughts and experiences independently of being interviewed by Mr T and email them (petert@evo.co.uk) to him?

In this way you will A) have a list of things you want to mention if and when he calls and B) he will have your written submission when he comes to compose his article.

I was interviewed over the phone for an NSX article that appeared in Classic Cars about 4yrs ago. I didn't have a written list to hand and managed to miss out a few things I wanted to mention. The article was very average and they even managed to get my name wrong :(



05-03-2010, 10:57 AM
Hi Mark,

I agree with you but as I said in my last post, when I called the journalist he informed me the article was already written so I had no chance to talk through any points at all.


05-03-2010, 12:11 PM
Hi Mark,

I agree with you but as I said in my last post, when I called the journalist he informed me the article was already written so I had no chance to talk through any points at all.


Ohh dear, I might be jumping the gun but it sounds like they might be doing the usual "photofit" article i.e. re-arranging previous ones and trotting out the same old cliches :(

If they do, let's all agree to inundate Mr's Tomalin, Trott (Editor) and Metcalf (Owner) about the opportunity missed. Not that they'd care :(



05-03-2010, 07:49 PM
Oh b'gger. I hope you're wrong Mark, but if they've not spoken to either Baz (the featured owner) or Kaz (the most recognised expert in the UK, probably including HUK staff), then where the **** have they got their info from?!?

Baz - I'd do as suggested and e-mail Peter T and/or Nick Trott (he's the editor now, after all - politeness would suggest approaching him) with your concerns. You would hope they'd be interested in an accurate article and a happy owner...

(Thinking worst-case, not immediate are you able to withdraw permission for your car to be used in the article, if they seem too cavalier?!? Just thinking if they've used your car for pics but haven't actually interviewed you at all, then what are you getting...)

Overall though, disappointing...esp. given my comments only this morning that I hoped JS would be better. Arrogance or laziness on his part, do you think?

Mark - re: a mass e-mail: What good would it do? So a few dozen NSX owners register their disappointment...I'd expect that at least one evo staffer is reading this thread anyway, so it won't exactly be news to them.

NSX 2000
05-03-2010, 09:50 PM
Overall though, disappointing...esp. given my comments only this morning that I hoped JS would be better. Arrogance or laziness on his part, do you think?

What would you rather be doing, talking to an owner about some old car that was perhaps good 20 years ago when he was still wetting the bed, or creaming your pants over the latest Germanic piece of **** that includes meeting Hamilton in a swanky Resturant in Germany all expenses paid.

Their are very few Jurnos who see beyond the last freebie:(


05-03-2010, 10:21 PM
Their are very few Jurnos who see beyond the last freebie:(


Make that people in general!

05-03-2010, 10:46 PM
What would you rather be doing, talking to an owner about some old car that was perhaps good 20 years ago when he was still wetting the bed, or creaming your pants over the latest Germanic piece of **** that includes meeting Hamilton in a swanky Resturant in Germany all expenses paid.

Their are very few Journos who see beyond the last freebie:(


Personally, I'd rather talk to the enthusiast than meet some semi-decent racer in the pocket of a big mfr (not aimed at Hamilton...can't see him endorsing any road car anytime soon).

But I take your point, and sadly agree with you...as with everything (football and politics spring to mind) it occurs to me that 'professional' journos probably are in it for what they can get, rather than for the passion of the job. Odd how society changes eh?!?

'Simi' has been around for years though...would remember the NSX the first time around.

06-03-2010, 04:24 PM
I think may be we should give them the benefit of doubt until we actually see and read the article? Hopefully they would be honest and give the NSX a good 20th birthday present? Remember in 10 years of Evo, a standard NSX was car of the year, the Type R was also one too and also the R was in the top 4/5/6 cars of the decade?

31-03-2010, 04:43 PM
This month's Evo is on the newstands, and has 3 pages about the NSX, with a few of Baz's car nicely photographed. All in, it's not bad - mention is made of the club so :thumbsup:

There were a few howlers, still:

* "deletion of pop up headlights and, NSX-R excepted, the fixed roof in 2002"
* "owners should expect to spend £1000 a year on mainenance"
* (caption on Baz's car) "Fixed headlights instead of the original pop-ups mean this is a post-2002 car. Which alsi means it has a 'targa' life-out roof panel"

Still, not a bad article and seems pretty accurate in other respects.


31-03-2010, 11:35 PM
This month's Evo is on the newstands, and has 3 pages about the NSX, with a few of Baz's car nicely photographed. All in, it's not bad - mention is made of the club so :thumbsup:

There were a few howlers, still:

* "deletion of pop up headlights and, NSX-R excepted, the fixed roof in 2002"
* "owners should expect to spend £1000 a year on mainenance"
* (caption on Baz's car) "Fixed headlights instead of the original pop-ups mean this is a post-2002 car. Which alsi means it has a 'targa' life-out roof panel"

Still, not a bad article and seems pretty accurate in other respects.



01-04-2010, 06:19 AM
Ah. missed that thread entirely :shocked:
It was because "evo" was too short for the site search engine ...