View Full Version : Photo's from Japfest 2009

16-05-2009, 06:05 PM
Well it was a mixed day, great to meet the usual people and some new ones.

Please update this thread with all your photo's, going to upload mine shortly, mainly from yesterdays track sessions though.

16-05-2009, 07:24 PM
Hi All,

It was very nice to meet everyone today and I have to say it was pretty cool having the convoy from the services.

Hope everyone got home safely :)


will post photos shortly



16-05-2009, 07:32 PM
Video footage from the session the Silver NSX went out on.


16-05-2009, 07:57 PM
A few of mine, the meet, the convoy, arty car display!

Despite the rain enjoyable day meeting old and new friends.

16-05-2009, 09:07 PM
I didn't take many, but here goes.

16-05-2009, 09:11 PM
..............a few more................

16-05-2009, 09:14 PM
.........and finally.

16-05-2009, 09:20 PM
From J13 M4 to Japfest....

16-05-2009, 09:21 PM
From J13 M4 to Japfest...

16-05-2009, 09:24 PM
From J13 M4 to Japfest...part 3

16-05-2009, 09:25 PM
From J13 M4 to Japfest...part 4

16-05-2009, 09:27 PM
From J13 M4 to Japfest...part 5

16-05-2009, 09:29 PM
Japfest...Part 1

16-05-2009, 09:31 PM
Japfest...Part 2

16-05-2009, 09:32 PM
Japfest...Part 3

16-05-2009, 09:35 PM
Finally.......Japfest...Part 4

Just like to say...it was great to meet everyone and hope to do it again soon!! :)

I did crop and amend some photos for lighting etc...if anyone would like the originals I can always email them out.



16-05-2009, 09:45 PM
Hello everyone,

A lovely day. Picked up some v useful info as usual.
3 more pics to come in next post.


16-05-2009, 09:47 PM
I am ready for some zzzzzzzzzzzz now but I thought I'd best get these posted...


16-05-2009, 09:58 PM
Paul, what on earth happened to S2... looks like it's seen a ghost!!!


NSX 2000
16-05-2009, 11:07 PM
Paul, what on earth happened to S2... looks like it's seen a ghost!!!


No, just the inside of a sweet shop :laugh:

16-05-2009, 11:59 PM
Glad you guys all had a great day and you had some dry/sunny spells!

Great pictures too :thumbsup:

17-05-2009, 12:03 AM
Paul (S), new car with same reg !?!

Wow, what a transformation and big surprise! Shame I miss the chance to see S2 in CW, I assume thats its new colour?

17-05-2009, 08:16 AM
Paul, what on earth happened to S2... looks like it's seen a ghost!!!


I think the value of CMUK's car has just risen. :)

dan the man
17-05-2009, 09:46 AM
wtf has happened to S2? Has it been wrapped?

17-05-2009, 10:32 AM
AFAIK S2 has been wrapped and it looks great.

17-05-2009, 10:41 AM
AFAIK S2 has been wrapped and it looks great.

Thanks Ary.

Yes its a wrap, completed by these guys http://www.raccoon.co.uk/homepage.php

They do all the gumball cars in the US. Its a bit of fun, is good for 3 yrs if I want to keep it that long. It protects the rest of the piantwork so no further stone chips and when I'm ready I can revert to Magnum Grey.

It washes and waxes just like normal paint but I cant touch it for a few more days as it completes the curing process.

It was verey interesting yesterday listening to all the comments and the obvious is it or isn't it conversations :D

regards, Paul

17-05-2009, 11:09 AM
Ahh, interesting choice to say the least. Obviously I'd need to see it in the flesh before passing judgement. How much does a full wrap cost?

How many NSX's turned up yesterday then?

Has the event evolved or is it still primarily a big wings and big stereo zone? Ohh and don't get me started on Drifting... WTF is that all about :(


Mark (aka Grumpy old man :) )

17-05-2009, 06:43 PM
Multey will have the final numbers, but I'd say we had about 28 -/+2 cars yesterday, and the event presumably hasn't moved on all that much. It's mostly "the bigger the bore of your exhaust, the better". Luke said one time previously, "they should be paying us to go".

What about a suggestion that next year, we don't show up at all unless the organisers give us free tickets :)

17-05-2009, 07:38 PM
What about a suggestion that next year, we don't show up at all unless the organisers give us free tickets :)

Ewan you seem to be missing the point, it is optional isn't it?! For most of us it is a nice chance to meet the people we communicate over the internet with, to chat, have a mess about, watch a bit of track action and admire a range of cars including our NSX's all of which people care about which is admirable IMO. If you really feel like that why bother turning up at all? I happen not to like heavily modded cars but that is not all that is there, is it?!

It is a little boring that people seem to think it is OK to make derogatory comments all the time about Japfest, whether it is their thing or not. Like it or not this club is not capable of organising an event with more than about 8 southern owned NSX's any other way. so whilst that is the case, those who don't think it is beneath them will continue to make the effort and turn up each May! If you feel like organising a NSXCB event yourself to get 20+ cars to attend please feel free, it would be refreshing for someone to make an effort rather than pick holes for once, and organising a Basingstoke event where two people travel more than 20 miles (normally me and Paul) doesn;t count :P



P.S. Jim, thanks for all the effort - I had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and it was great to catch up with everyone yesterday as always. :D

17-05-2009, 08:20 PM
Hey Matt, I know it's optional and I chose to go (and will probably do so again...) but my point is, in the main, the cars and demographic that go to Japfest aren't the ones I'd have much interest in. If I wasn't interested in NSXs and there wasn't the NSXCB gathering, I wouldn't go to Japfest.

Maybe I'm in the minority, though?

As has been said before, there are plenty other events to go to, one of which could become the "must attend" club meet for everyone to travel to instead of Japfest: whether that's the Silverstone Classic, the Gaydon Supercar Sunday (which I am happy to organise group attendance - for free - to, and which will hopefully get a reasonable turnout), or whatever.

17-05-2009, 09:01 PM
Well before I get on to Devils' Advocate time, I'll say that I handed out 30 car passes, so Make that 29 NSX and 1 CRV.

AS for the annual meet (Something else was sugggested which I'll cover in a bit). The first year was an experiment to see if we could all get together and meet face to face as Matt says, with the poeople we chat to on here. And in that case it was very successfull as not only did we get the largest gathering of NSX's that anyone had heard of outside the USA, but we also won best Club Stand without even knowing/trying. The second year was because we all enjoyed the first year so much.

As for the modded car scene, I'm not totally against it, some mods are good if done for a reason and tastefull IMO, but yes there is the "pot-smoking-tattoo'd-chav" types that attend these with exhausts the size of wheelie bins and sub-woofers that make your ears bleed. BUT, these are the same people that look at the NSX and say to me " yeah nice car..........one day" We are all fortunate to have these cars, and I'll put my hand up saying that when I was 18 I had a Mk 2 Escort that was probably the equivelant to todays chaved up Civic. As Low Flyer was saying, as we get older, your taste changes, form cars to music. these chavs of today could be the NSX owner of tomorrow.

Now Future "Annual Meet" idea (if you're reading this far!!) it doesn't have to be at a car show. We pick a location, hopefully somewhere central to everyone, or as much as possible, find a nice reasonably priced hotel and book a function room, bit food bit entertainment or something along those lines. a few of us that were left towards the end of the day thought that would be a laugh.

I'll end with Thank you all for your comments, was my pleasure this year, just bad timing with all I have on just now, but I'm glad it was a success and I look forward to seeing everyone again in the future.


17-05-2009, 09:03 PM
Maybe I'm in the minority, though?

A minority of at least 2 :)

As Matt said, well done Jim for organising/co-ordinating the attendance at Japfest.

Let's all get behind Chris and make the NSXCB's attendance at the Silverstone Classic a roaring success.



PS - All silly big wings must be removed if attending the Silverstone Classic ;)

dan the man
17-05-2009, 09:48 PM
Hey we all cant be young and realise whats the proper way to mod a car.. U live and learn and get wiser as u grow up. When i was 19 i had a loud KnN on my 106 XSI and loved it... I never thought id be an NSX owner at 26 tho but i learned and came to respect whats what.

Each to their own its what makes us tick.

Paul as for your car and whether it is or not..i always notice wraps :D So if not into NSXs i would have sussed it..ha ha

Looked a good days guys. The guy who was in the passenger seat on the side on crash in the drift car is on northloop.com and said his neck is now sore.... ooo

18-05-2009, 11:54 AM
This event has served us well in the past and was the first official NSXCB event we ever did.
Japfest is a real world event whereas personally I have trouble relating to the so called 'prestige events' like Silverstone.
In the same way that some members are turned off by the 'chav' element at JF I'm pretty underwhelmed by the inaccessibility of the these other events.

However, I'll still do my best to attend Silverstone and or Gaydon this year as it's a chance to catch up with people I may only see a couple of times a year. I enjoy the early morning convoy, organising the stand, talking to other car owners and taking in the atmosphere.

We do so little as a club that we shouldn't discount any successful or potentially event, we should try our hardest to attend them all.



NSX 2000
18-05-2009, 04:27 PM
We do so little as a club that we shouldn't discount any successful or potentially event, we should try our hardest to attend them all.



I'll second that James.

With regards to Japfest the price of the ticket is worth it just to see the boobies and what they are attached to alone. :eek: :laugh: :eek:

As I and someone else who won't be named discused these bumpers (his words not mine) we pondered is this something they do on their way up to or down from Glamour moddeling?


18-05-2009, 04:52 PM
...........................................we pondered is this something they do on their way up to or down from Glamour moddeling?


Who Cares, just as long as we start getting better weather, so they aren't covered up as much, anyone rem the 3 young lovlies we had posing last year?

PS yes I am a perv!


dan the man
19-05-2009, 07:53 AM
Good last 2 shots !

19-05-2009, 02:42 PM
This event has served us well in the past and was the first official NSXCB event we ever did.

Erm, in its current web-guise yes, but it wasn't the first NSXCB event by a long way. We did exist before you lot came along you know :p

Although having said that at least a lot of you make an effort to meet up a couple of times a year. Those of us who predate these events really didn't make much effort...

19-05-2009, 03:27 PM
Erm, in its current web-guise yes, but it wasn't the first NSXCB event by a long way. We did exist before you lot came along you know :p
Wasn't Castle Combe (not a japfest meeting) the first big meet back in 2004 i think it was? 22 car turn out.

But actually now I think about it 22 is slightly less than 50 isn't it! Sorry for splitting hairs.

19-05-2009, 05:31 PM
before this degenerates into a 'who was here first' debate, here's my contribution to the japfest pic thread!

19-05-2009, 06:58 PM
before this degenerates into a 'who was here first' debate, here's my contribution to the japfest pic thread!

Nice stitch......... captures the stand very well :)

19-05-2009, 07:47 PM
before this degenerates into a 'who was here first' debate, here's my contribution to the japfest pic thread!

Best pic yet in many ways - could you email me a higher res' version please Jon? (matt@d3kko.com)


19-05-2009, 07:52 PM
hi all found this in the archives regards nigel

19-05-2009, 08:42 PM
Ok I concede. What I meant to say was that Japfest was the NSXCB's first proper organised annual meet. I also acknowledge that I've only been a member for 4 years, whereas some of you guys were running the club before there was electricity and proper sanitation. I didn't mean to offend.

Hope this clears things up.



19-05-2009, 09:14 PM
......Hope this clears things up.



The sanitation helps ;)

19-05-2009, 09:38 PM
Once again glad you had a great day one day I hope to make it.

BTW I am all up for another meet and drive, as said above, it is not only about the cars, but the people too.



20-05-2009, 08:13 AM
Ok I concede. What I meant to say was that Japfest was the NSXCB's first proper organised annual meet. I also acknowledge that I've only been a member for 4 years, whereas some of you guys were running the club before there was electricity and proper sanitation. I didn't mean to offend.

No offence here mate, just saying. And I never ran anything... just took a few pictures that ended up on the site :) I'm far too bloody lazy!

There used to be a yahoo group/email list and I believe there were a few things organised through that. Only one I recall is the Castle Combe meet/run that jaytip mentioned.

20-05-2009, 03:45 PM
to save any more requests, the 4 hi-res pics that make up my pic are here....





you can stitch them together at your leisure!!!!

20-05-2009, 05:01 PM
No offence here mate, just saying. And I never ran anything... just took a few pictures that ended up on the site :) I'm far too bloody lazy!

There used to be a yahoo group/email list and I believe there were a few things organised through that. Only one I recall is the Castle Combe meet/run that jaytip mentioned.

I remember meeting a lady with a black US import NSX who used to race it. She was on the Yahoo mailing list.



20-05-2009, 07:45 PM
A Front Panoramic of the NSX stand :) Enjoy



21-05-2009, 06:52 AM
I remember meeting a lady with a black US import NSX who used to race it. She was on the Yahoo mailing list.




Think she has posted here too.

21-05-2009, 10:30 AM

Think she has posted here too.

She has, the last I heard she no longer had the NSX and had bought a 350Z, the NSX was later in an incident involving fire :(

21-05-2009, 11:38 AM
A Front Panoramic of the NSX stand :) Enjoy



That's a fun picture, I like it.

Paul G
22-05-2009, 08:51 AM
Nice shot! make my car look nice and clean, even though it had to sit next to that dam clean yellow one all day ;-)