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06-11-2008, 11:20 PM
The anniversary of My Brother's death and one of my best friends in the same accident was a week ago; and although its been quite a number of years since that day..............,it always seems like yesterday to me. I'm sure some of you can relate in one way or another and have heard all the stories how that it gets better/easier with time.....But for me the real answer is;

"It doesn’t really get easier/better, you just learn to live with it"

It was my brother that got me interested in the car scene as he was older and driving before me so had a few nice motors in his time.

He was also the first person to introduce me to the NSX as I remember my dad and him having one out for the weekend back in 1992/93 and I was just mesmerised by the it.

07-11-2008, 07:03 AM
Your brother would be proud of your NSX now and how well you care for it.

My brother is a good but pretty stupid driver and I worry for him all of the time. I feel for your loss and although the pain may not get better with time hopefully as time goes by you'll be able to focus on the good memories with your brother more than the tradgedy of his accident.


07-11-2008, 01:23 PM
Your brother would be proud of your NSX now and how well you care for it.

I feel for your loss and although the pain may not get better with time hopefully as time goes by you'll be able to focus on the good memories with your brother more than the tradgedy of his accident.


Nothing else to add, very well said Luke, a special thought for you Sudesh and your family at this time.

Warmest regards, Paul

dan the man
07-11-2008, 10:18 PM
I started reading your post and the song 'are we human or are we dancers' started..

i got shivvers..that was really weird and the song mood fitted with what i was reading. Weird that for a moment and very thought provoking.

Live every day as your last. Live as if you will Die tomorrow but learn as if u will live forever

Peace everyone

07-11-2008, 11:08 PM
Sudesh, I am sorry to hear of your lost and I think time can be a very good healer. My thoughts are with you and your family. :)

09-11-2008, 05:58 PM
Thank's guys for the very kind words. Its just one of those things that you never forget and always seems like yesterday. Plus at times its difficult to understand as he was a passanger in another car and not the driver. Thanks again for the replys.......