View Full Version : Removing Orange Lense Inside Indicator

29-08-2008, 05:04 PM
Well I done this mod today and I do like the result however I can tell you, it wasn't straight forward and there were a few factors. But I'll do a write up and explain it better shortly.
Heres a few quick photos, I'll post some better ones when I get the other side done and cleaned up. It look better in the flesh.

29-08-2008, 05:04 PM
Pic of both fronts cleared


29-08-2008, 05:15 PM

Well I'm still not sure what the last little mod was all about, but this one gets my vote for sure!! :thumbsup:

Please post details of how you acheived the results. IMO it makes the lenses look so much more modern. Have you simply swapped bulbs to get the 'orange' light?

regards, Paul

29-08-2008, 05:22 PM
Hi Paul,

The last mod has been axed! lol. The more I looked at it the more I didnt like it and think I would either need the 2002 rear or the diffuser that was mentioned in the thread.

On this one it involved a bit more work and I'm going to do a full write up. But once the orange is removed I replaced it with a silver/chrome bulb that blinks orange when used and when not used the lamp looks clear like in the last pic.

29-08-2008, 06:55 PM
.......On this one it involved a bit more work and I'm going to do a full write up........

Let me have the link when its posted ... I'll be printing it off and getting to work .... I really like this look!!

regards, Paul

30-08-2008, 06:18 AM
You didn;t fancy sticking a strip of leds in there whilst you had it all out!?

I like it ... and would be interested in how much time it took and whether it involved dismantling and resealing the lights. Seems like a lot of effort for a very subtle change... worth it though if you have the time!

30-08-2008, 07:29 AM
You didn;t fancy sticking a strip of leds in there whilst you had it all out!?

I like it ... and would be interested in how much time it took and whether it involved dismantling and resealing the lights. Seems like a lot of effort for a very subtle change... worth it though if you have the time!

I though about the LED thing but you would have to swap the indicator over to where the side light is as the light is in 2 sections and I'm not really a fan of the LED thing yet.

The change may look subtle in the photos but in the flesh its alot better looking and really does freshen up the front.

It took me about an hour as this was the first time, and I was weighing up what method to go with, but if I was to do another set it would probably only take me 30mins.

30-08-2008, 05:06 PM
So this is the clear front indicator/blinker mod and the method I choose.

I chose this method as there were a few factors that I weighed up which hopefully you will see from the photos.
First thing to do is obviously remove the light, then remove both bulbs along with the holders out of the lamp so not as to damage them.
I then had a good look at the lamp and decided I was going to work on the bottoms of each lamp, reasons for this was inside the lamps is a metal holder/bracket the houses the orange plastic piece, not only that! There is also a clear plastic piece attached to the front of the orange one so it makes it just about impossible to remove the orange piece by picking away at it through the bulb socket hole and even if you did manage it, you still ahve the clear piece to remove, and the metal holder/bracket would still be left inside rattling about as the metal bracket will only sit in position correctly with the orange piece and clear piece together.
So from there I decided I would cut a hole at the bottom of the lamps. By choosing this method it means that you are not touching the clear front Lens which could quite easily be broken/scratched etc if you try to cut/heat or bake the leans to break the bond between the lens and the light housing, also by choosing this method it means the light itself can be sealed much easier than trying to re-bond the lens to the housing and possibly doing a messy job.
So I used a dremel with a small circular cutter adapter and cut a hole at the bottom of the lenses, I made these holes big enough to slide out the internal pieces that need removed.


30-08-2008, 05:07 PM
Once the hole is cut carefully prise out the bits
This is what is inside

30-08-2008, 05:09 PM
Next I took the piece that was cut out and put some masking take across it and put the piece back in


I then used a special adhesive I got at Halfords that not only bonds, but also makes a waterproof seal, the adhesive comes in a two mix system, and you only need a small amount to do the job, this stuff is absolutely amazing and seals and hardens in 10mins. Apply the mixed adhesive all round the area that has been cut, allow to harden then remove the maskin tape and fill the rest.


30-08-2008, 05:11 PM

After the adhesives has set you really don’t need to do the following steps as the adhesive I used was so good that when hardened you would have need the dremel again to break the new seal.
But anyway I decided to go a step further and added some fibreglass to finish up!!

So next I cut some fibreglass strips big enough to cover the holes.


30-08-2008, 05:11 PM
After mixing up the fibreglass resin and hardener I put the strips over the holes covering the cut marks of the dremel, and brushed the mix over the fibreglass


Once it was fully brushed and the fibreglass is well matted and soaked, leave it to dry. Depending on the amount of hardener used in the mix this stuff can set pretty fast 10/15mins. Let the fibreglass cool and harden.

Once this is set I gave the fibreglass a quick sanding and wipe down with a tack cloth.


30-08-2008, 05:13 PM
I then masked the lens and other areas of the lamp as my next step was to tidy up the bottom. Even though this doesn’t need to be done as you cant see the finish anyway I decided to give it a quick tidy up.


After masking the lamp, I sprayed it with 3 coats of primer and 2 coats of silver spray. It was just a quick tidy up, but if I really wanted to be fussy I probably could have got it close to the OEM look with more sanding etc, But as mentioned there really isn’t any point as you will never see it anyway.


30-08-2008, 05:14 PM
And finally the clear lights!!



30-08-2008, 05:15 PM

Hope this is understandable ok and if there is any spelling mistakes etc I will edit as I read through it. Any questions please fire away!!

01-09-2008, 09:57 PM
Looks great and all the effort was worth it! Its only when you remove the orange piece that you really notice the much clearer look :) Think I leave mine as it was intended! Seems too much hard work! :D

03-09-2008, 11:48 AM
Looks great and all the effort was worth it! Its only when you remove the orange piece that you really notice the much clearer look, Think I leave mine as it was intended! Seems too much hard work!

Thanks! But it wasnt really that difficult and if I was to do it again could do it in much less time. If anyone wanted it done I would be happy to do it for them.

I forgot to add that I also replaced the bulb with a clear LED bulb that blinks orange rather than going with a standard chrome/silver bulb that blinks ornage. Reason for this is it has almost no heat properites so it wont affect or distort the plastic of the lamp if for example you had to leave the hazads on etc.

Also with the clear LED bulb it added more of a clear look to the lamp as it hides the black plastic bub socket.

Pics of the bulbs:


03-09-2008, 11:49 AM
Pic of it working


04-09-2008, 10:10 PM
Cool! I must admit that in addition to this, I do like the look of having no driving lamps that sits infront of the air con condensors! Do you miss them when night driving?

05-09-2008, 03:27 PM

No I dont miss them as I never used them for driving anyway, plus I dont take my car out in bad weather or winter so really had no use for them also its illegal here to drive with your fog lights on when there is no fog!

I also preffered the look without the fogs as the big square fogs in my opinion look dated and also the NSX-R didnt have them and there is a bit of weight saving without them too.

05-09-2008, 06:20 PM
its illegal here to drive with your fog lights on when there is no fog!

....it's illegal over here but it does not stop the muppets doing it....:angry:

Pet hate of mine....mini rant over.

02-08-2010, 03:05 PM
Would like to do this upgrade with 02+ headlights (removing the amber lense with a clear lense). Any ideas how to realise?

I know, that Clearcoeners.com did it, but $1800 is damn expansive.

02-08-2010, 07:40 PM
....it's illegal over here but it does not stop the muppets doing it....:angry:

Pet hate of mine....mini rant over.

On a lot of the newer cars, they are driving lights rather than fog lights. :)

02-08-2010, 08:07 PM
....and what about these stupid Merc initiated foggy type lights that come on when you turn a corner....namby pamby crap there

02-08-2010, 09:58 PM
All I can think off is how bad the garage looked back then lol

03-08-2010, 08:01 AM
Would like to do this upgrade with 02+ headlights (removing the amber lense with a clear lense). Any ideas how to realise?

I know, that Clearcoeners.com did it, but $1800 is damn expansive.

Good shout - removing this 'orrible piece of amber from the front and the rear lights would be a great mod. I think the rear isn't possible as it's the exterior plastic rather than a lens, why Honda would do that to a later car baffles me. Must be some USA regs or something.

I've looked at the lens in the front headlight and wonder if removing it would allow the light to bounce all around the rest of teh headlight?


03-08-2010, 09:34 AM
Good shout - removing this 'orrible piece of amber from the front and the rear lights would be a great mod. I think the rear isn't possible as it's the exterior plastic rather than a lens, why Honda would do that to a later car baffles me. Must be some USA regs or something.

That's easily sorted Luke. I'll swap you my rear lights for yours. :)