View Full Version : Market test for Downforce

24-07-2008, 03:39 AM
Hello guys, this is Vancehu. Some of you may know me from NSXPRIME.

I just got world from Downforce this afternoon, they like to expend their market into Europe, and since the exchange rate is beyond beneficial for European Buyers, we like to find out if there are enough interests.

www.downforce.biz is the website; feel free to browse through to see if there are any thing matches your needs.

We'll contact the forum administrator to open up a thread for ordering in the near future.

I'll be representing DF for this region, feel free to PM me if you have any questions regarding DF product.



24-07-2008, 08:13 AM
Hi Vance,

Welcome to the NSXCB. It might be worth posting some photo's of your Black NSX-R replica to show the guys and girls some of the parts.

It's good to have you as our dedicated DF rep!

Regards, Paul

24-07-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks Paul. Some pictures I took, my two babies.

It's got lots of goodies, parts from Japan, Procar, DF, and Daliracing:)


24-07-2008, 10:15 AM

24-07-2008, 07:08 PM
Welcome mate.

I had DF before and the quality was superb.

How much for the DF CF Diffuser, not the NSX-R, but the big one.



25-07-2008, 07:28 AM
Welcome mate.

I had DF before and the quality was superb.

How much for the DF CF Diffuser, not the NSX-R, but the big one.



This one?

We're going to start up an account with Kevin, so we can conduct business property through the vender section.

I'm going to be the acting DF European sales agent, so everything will be handling through me. I'm here to make sure all orders are property taking care of and I will be available on a daily basis to answer any questions.


25-07-2008, 08:31 AM
Hi Vance,

Not wanting to sound negative, but what is the benefit for EU people that you are now goiing to represent Downforce here?

EU people could and have been ordering parts with Downforce direct before and that worked, I know of at least one other person here who ordered direct.

Only thing is that I personally had problems with them with an order that I placed, where the quality of the received part wasn't up to expectation and after a long wait a sent replacement was damaged in transport due to inadaquate packaging. They tried to blame me not claiming at delivery because I didn't claim on a small dent in the box which clearly couldn't have any influence on the content. After this they tried to claim direct with the shipping Co, but that didn't stick. I didn't want to bother getting another replacement after that, I have better things to do than sending unsatisfactory quality and damaged replacement parts back and forth, corresponding, sending pics, corresponding again, etc.

Mind you, the other guy who ordered with them did get a good quality part.

25-07-2008, 09:42 AM
Hi Vance,

Not wanting to sound negative, but what is the benifit for EU people that you are now goiing to represent Downforce here?

EU people could and have been ordering parts with Downforce direct before and that worked without a problem, I know of at least one other person here who ordered direct.

Only thing is that I personally had problems with them with an order that I placed, where the quality of the received part wasn't up to expectation and after a long wait a sent replacement was damaged in transport due to inadaquate packaging. They tried to blame me not claiming at delivery because I didn't claim on a small dent in the box which clearly couldn't have any influence on the content. After this they tried to claim direct with the shipping Co, but that didn't stick. I didn't want to bother getting another replacement after that, I have better things to do than sending unsatisfactory quality and damaged replacement parts back and forth, corresponding, sending pics, corresponding again, etc.

Little while back, there was an employee at DF by the name of Ben. Needless to say, he's no longer working at DF for a reason.

Now we have Sam and he is doing a fantastic job, but one person can only do so much. An arrangement was made to have SoS deal with ALL NSX related sales so DF can focus on the manufacturing operation while expending into Ferrari, Lotus and Porsche territory.

Even though SoS can and does sell internationally, Peter felt that it would be nice to have some one to start a dedicated/focus market strategy to ensure more exposure internationally. Even though DF does have customer from Europe, but we believe not every one from the region knows our existence. We want to have more customers, and turn customers into clients for repeat business. Peter believes by having a dedicated person to overlook the operation will not only create more customers, but long term clients. I’m sure many of you understand the boredom of reading the product description, click and buy, and some buyers do like to have a sales rep, a name, a person they can communicate with knowing that he will be there when help is needed.

Also we like to take the advantage of the current USD/Sterling/Euro exchange rate, which makes the pricing even more attractive to European buyers. Best example will be – DF NSX-R hood direct replica is 2825 USD (including international shipping), but in Sterling Pounds, it is 1425, and in Euro, it is 1800 - A great value for those who are seeking top-notch products at a significantly lower price then similar products from Japan or other European venders.

The nice thing about this Forum is, after creating a vender account; it is dedicated to one vender only, which make it easy to show each product through its own thread. Dedicated thread is good for answering questions and validates the sales process.

Believe it or not, some of the venders I'm associated with in Japan are now interested in DF product as well.

Since I don’t know your case, I can’t make any comment, I do however, know it is rare. You said it your self, there are happy customers already in Europe. What we want to do is making the purchase decision easier.

I do know is, one of DF business practice is that there will always be giant stickers slapped all over the shipping box authorizing the customer to examine the product before delivery guy leaves. The procedure is required in case of fraud or for Insurance claim. As manufacture, DF does not and will not ship broken products.

Perhaps I can take a look at your situation after we secured a vender section of this forum.

26-07-2008, 04:56 PM
hi mate and welcome
will have to spend some money with you

thx amo

27-07-2008, 07:38 PM
shame I didn't know about this set up a month ago...


actually.. does it really fit up to 2005? I called SOS and they said I had no options outside of OEM on dual mass.


28-07-2008, 05:13 AM
shame I didn't know about this set up a month ago...


actually.. does it really fit up to 2005? I called SOS and they said I had no options outside of OEM on dual mass.

I'm not familiar with clutch related stuff, but I do know people who are running RPS clutch with FI application.