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View Full Version : Storm is brewing

20-07-2008, 05:40 PM
those dark rain clouds on the horizon are sounding ominously closer today...

possibly I'm just suffering withdrawal induced paranoia after another destructive weekend in London
, but you do have to look pretty hard for uplifting news these days.


01-12-2008, 07:40 PM
Those storm clouds i was talking about in July are getting closer to breaking.. at least in my industry.

see quite a few medium sized companies secretly really struggling month on month to hit payroll. only a short amount of time before they miss. :(

shame they find it more important to pay their employees than pay my invoices. that's me fooked.

those dark rain clouds on the horizon are sounding ominously closer today...

possibly I'm just suffering withdrawal induced paranoia after another destructive weekend in London
, but you do have to look pretty hard for uplifting news these days.


01-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Not good, sorry to hear this and hope things get better.
Any come back for you ??

02-12-2008, 07:06 AM
Hi Rob,

Sorry to hear that - if it helps you're not alone, one of my top two customers has advised they will be shutting their 40+ stores by the end of this week and I spent all of yesterday trying to get my stock back. Bloody tough times...:(



02-12-2008, 07:10 PM
Not good, sorry to hear this and hope things get better.
Any come back for you ??

not really. Customs and excise are the only creditors that get any money in these cases.

on the upside. The nsx will never go... what did Charlton Heston say ???

" from my cold dead hands! "
