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View Full Version : Radio reception

28-02-2005, 01:00 PM
Since the acquisition of my car, 4 months ago, the only real disappointment is the radio reception. CD’s are fine, so I assume the amps are still OK, but the reception on all wave frequencies (LW, MW & FM) is poor, with a difficulty locking onto, holding or tracking stations on FM.
The manual, pages 23-229 to 23-234, shows two antenna connections on the radio. A male flying lead going to an element in the rear window and a female output connected to the retractable mast antenna.

FIRST QUESTION; why two antenna, what do the two do that one does not.

Simple checking of the physical connections showed that for the window antenna, it doesn’t exist. NO third termination tag on the window, no lead on the sub loom to which it would fix and no separate wiring set in the glass (should the heater elements not form the antenna), see manual page 20-53

SECOND QUESTION; why only one antenna, is this standard for a UK supplied and registered 1995 manual coupe.

Words of wisdom from those in the know would be appreciated.

Thanks, Duncan

28-02-2005, 05:26 PM
The US cars get two antennas, we got one. The US 2nd antenna is made up of what looks like extra demister wires on the rear glass.

Though the NSX is fairly standard between countries there are some odd differences such as this one.

The radio does suffer poor reception though.