View Full Version : Quick question:- Kickplates

Ferris Bueller
13-09-2007, 06:26 PM
What does the number on the kickplate signify? Is it a specific chassis or serial number?

13-09-2007, 06:32 PM
Production number for the year.
It will usually match the last digits of the chassis number.

14-09-2007, 07:23 AM
Production number for the year.
It will usually match the last digits of the chassis number.

'usually' meaning - if it doesn't means the body doesn't match the chassis?

14-09-2007, 07:39 AM
On an NSX the body and the chassis are the same thing. The plate inside the door is just a fancy plate with no particularly useful information on, it's just that these sort of things are expected on high end low volume cars. The useful stuff can be found on the Vin plate. That said of course if it should match the vin plate/chassis stamping and doesn't then it should ring alarm bells.

Commence Hijack: Steve, thanks for the chocolates, I didn't know you cared :) Hope it's not too loud End of Hijack.

14-09-2007, 10:04 AM
Yes, just didn't want to scare you in case yours doesn't :)

'usually' meaning - if it doesn't means the body doesn't match the chassis?

14-09-2007, 10:06 AM
The type R also has another number there, just not sure what that one means.
Usually it's the production number of the R itself, however the number on the UK one (NA2) makes no sense as it seems too high ?? (Even if they started with a different series for the NA2's)