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25-06-2007, 01:31 PM
Hi Guys, I'm 36 and have a full no claims. NO POINTS!!! Amazing I know. At the moment I'm paying just over £650 Direct Line. I used to have it on classic with Carol Nash at half this and an agreed value but they kicked this in to touch a few years ago. Any bargains to be had??? Cheers in advance Steve (Renew July 6th)

25-06-2007, 03:00 PM
Lots of previous threads on this - but it changes regularly so its worth an update. I pay £360 on classic car / 5000 annual mile limit using RHSpecialists.

Silver Surfer
25-06-2007, 04:20 PM
From what I can gather from the thread in the recent past, AON is best.


26-06-2007, 01:05 AM
Yes theres a big recent thread on the dreaded insurance & AON classic seems the best, but the X has to be over 10 yrs old! I was with DL for 3 yrs but renewal last week was £946! Live in nice part of Manchester but with full no claims (10yrs), garaged, social & domestic only, under 3K miles pa, Cat1, Tracker Moniter, partner on it & both over 30 yrs old, plus 2 others cars to use!! Just got great quote from Peart Insurance, which cost £677 with protected NCB, under 2K pa! Whoopee for change! :bigsmile:

28-06-2007, 12:50 PM
Any chance you have a number. Cheers Steve

28-06-2007, 10:21 PM
Peart's phone number for quotations is 0870 240 2972 and the company is based in Kendal, North of the Lake Districts. The company insuring me is called Markerstudy and they are a specialist with quite strict stipulations, plus apparently they insure football players! Good luck.

12-07-2007, 08:32 PM
Wow, you lot have obviously shopped around a bit!...I have 10 yrs no claims, only 3 points (and I wansn't even in my X when I got em...pah!), and struggle to get anything below £800. I was with Direct Line for 2 yrs then joined Privilege. Live in leafy Cheshire too!

13-07-2007, 07:12 AM
I have AON classic policy now. It costs £432, and includes track day cover, all my mods and agreed value.

I also set up a discount scheme through the club, which I have yet to publicise. It's worth 10%.

The car has to be 10 yrs old, and can't be used to commuting, you have to have another car.

14-07-2007, 09:50 PM
I have my car insured with AON. I started with them when the car was 8 years old. The policy is exactly the same now the car is 10 years old although it costs less. They have different catagories for the age of the car although the policy is the same. If I remember correctly under ten years is classed as future classic and over 10 years is classed as modern classic, may well change again at 15 years. Policy cost about £670 when 9 years old and then dropped to £470 on renewal after its 10 birthday.

Hope this helps some people


14-07-2007, 10:01 PM
Lots of previous threads on this - but it changes regularly so its worth an update. I pay £360 on classic car / 5000 annual mile limit using RHSpecialists.

There was me thinking they only did flower shows and gardening videos!

14-07-2007, 10:28 PM
Thanks, will note AON for next time, but I read that they only cover cars over 10 yrs old!? Maybe in hind sight I should have tried em, but at the time no one came near to Peart's brilliant quote & by then I got sick of getting quotes as tried nearly 15 insurers :cry::(