View Full Version : Pro's and Con's---garage vrs mice

indi pearl
21-01-2007, 06:13 PM
This autumn I spent both cash and time building a suitable palace for the Goddess ie- a garage.Today the sun shone and she was expecting a little exercise to get her juices going and getting "on heat".As I pulled out of the garage I noticed a small pile of black "bits" lying on the floor under her offside front wheel.On investigation they turned out to be chunks of rubber, chewed off the foam rubber ptotective insulation of the air con pipes in the front bay.Thankfully no apparent damage (as yet) to any wires or hoses.Checking out Prime showed this to be a major problem in the U.S. with cars having suffered major damage, invariably in the front bay.Needless to say the local ironmongers (yes,thankfully we still have one) will be selling me a handfull of "breakback" traps tomorrow.Trust they will appreciate Green's Organic Somerset Chedder as their "Last Supper" !!

21-01-2007, 09:26 PM
Good on you, kill the beggars.

We have some voles in and around the garage, but touch wood, no damage to any cars or parts.

Trust they will appreciate Green's Organic Somerset Chedder as their "Last Supper" !!

21-01-2007, 11:57 PM
Get at cat or rat poison.

22-01-2007, 08:28 AM
Talking about mice. I have my seats stored in the attic. We have had a small problem with mice in the house, and one of them has chewed out a hole about 1.5 inches across in one of the seats.

They obviously don't know the value of these things.


22-01-2007, 12:49 PM
Get at cat or rat poison.

My first cat would destroy any rat or mouse within seconds, it had a real hatred for them and never played with them just dipatched them. It also used to bring back baby rabbits and growl at dogs, my cat was called Chuck Norris. The second cat I had would watch a mouse run over her foot and would only mess with them if it had to, i.e if one was sleeping infront of her food bowl!

Cats are cool but not reliable. Traps are great but be careful of rat traps as they tend to make a bit of a murder scene when the average fieldmouse trips over it. :D

22-01-2007, 12:55 PM
My first cat would destroy any rat or mouse within seconds, it had a real hatred for them and never played with them just dipatched them. It also used to bring back baby rabbits and growl at dogs, my cat was called Chuck Norris. The second cat I had would watch a mouse run over her foot and would only mess with them if it had to, i.e if one was sleeping infront of her food bowl! :D

What did you call the 2nd one....Wayne Sleep??