View Full Version : New windscreen and hello again

11-11-2006, 02:40 AM
Not been on here for soooo long. Apols and just great to catch up on the chat.

The only worthwhile comment / question I have for now is that I have had a large split in my screen (about 50cm) from the nearside bottom of the a-pillar for n months and Aut* gl@ss have had a go twice and failed to replace it. (first time excuse was didn't have the tools?? and second time the replacement had a scratch in it).

I assume its safe to drive (heck its been fine at 100+ although I was waiting for it to do a TVR and take my head off).

Anyways, fact that the glass failed just sitting there overnight (albeit after hearing various 'creeks' from the passenger side while driving) prob just means it is a minor error in the bespoke mfr of such a hand-built motor.

Enough drunk rambling... (i dialled in for a game of poker but had to see the NSX chat first) but good to hear you regulars are on the road and having larks.

BTW the upcoming (07?) meet (either 1* hotel or 5*garage) sounds fantastic. Great idea.