View Full Version : Broken Crank Pulley

31-08-2006, 08:12 PM
Finally got round to changing my cam belt and when I took the crank pulley off the rubber mounted centre part had broken away from the main part of the pulley. It had worn through the plastic cam cover and looked about ready to eat the cam belt. When I looked at the broken pulley I realised that, if I had known what to look for, I would have realised without removing the pulley. This is my reason for making this post.

You might want to check your crank pulley is OK, but I am told its not a common problem.

Let me see if I can explain what to look for. The rubber mounted centre part of the pulley apears to be held in place through 12 holes in the outer pulley but its not at all easy to see these holes (because they are full of rubber when the pulley is OK). I could see 5 holes (not filled with rubber) on my broken pulley. These holes are circumfrencial around the outside of where the bolt holds the pulley on. I suggest if you can see any holes take the pulley off and check it out. But you will need the Honda tool and a big torque wrench to put it back. I hope this makes sense.

My broken pulley would still worked and drive the alternator and A/C belts but after taking advice I have fitted a new pulley (thanks Mark J).

31-08-2006, 08:52 PM
I take what you are refferring to is the harmonic balancer. It may not be a common problem, but it could be bad news if it breaks. Gerhard's car in Holland broke, and some rubber slipped under the puller between the belt, and caused it to slip, with the associated engine carnage soon following.

How old is your car, and how many miles does it have?

This could be something worth checking on older cars.

01-09-2006, 06:33 AM
My car is 1991 with 81K miles. I have full service history and past MOTs so I believe the milage.

01-09-2006, 07:03 AM
Any chance of posting some pictures ??

01-09-2006, 05:35 PM
I have a busy weekend but I will try on the picture front next week.

01-09-2006, 07:14 PM

I had the same problem with my 91 NSX many years ago. I noticed a rattle noise and pin pointed it out to be the rubber balancer inside the metel pulley broken away. The job of replacing was straight forward but I thought my car had been a one off. Obviously not so may be a problem which everyone should check.