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View Full Version : New Policy at 'For Sale' forum

21-11-2014, 11:31 AM
[In order to keep original post as a single announcement in the For Sale forum, all feedbacks are copied to this forum.]

Based on the discussion among the moderators, with immediate effect, only the Platinum members can post in this Forum (For Sale).
We are also looking at the way on limiting the frequency of bumping the thread (like once a month), disabling the post to a thread other than the seller (potential buyer can ask question through the PM, email feature. This is necessary as posting a question from the potential buyer will bump the thread to the top of the forum), prevention of deleting the thread after the item has been sold, prevention of editing the price and item description after the sale, etc.

While we will try to minimise the disruption in introducing these scheme, there could be some difficulties and issues. If you have noticed anything, please let one of the administrator know. Thank you.

[For those with the thread deleted due to non-Platinum status, please contact us once you have become Platinum member. Your thread is only 'soft deleted' that it can be re-instated by the moderator. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on this.]

21-11-2014, 11:36 AM
I know bumping is strictly forbidden on some of the other forums I am a member of, although that does tend to be on forums where there is massively more traffic than on here. All of what you suggest sounds good to me though, if the sellers wants to add details in reply to a question they are free to do so. The only way to stop editing after a sale would be to stop editing all together though surely? Any changes would have to be an amendment with a new post.


21-11-2014, 11:49 AM
If we noticed that the item was sold, we are closing the thread so that no one can edit/reply any further.

At the back of the system, there is edit history stored in the database so if we want, we can put back the original price/info manually but instead of wasting our precious time, I do hope the seller will keep the original info so that in the future, another seller wishing to sell something similar can search for the market value and setting the reasonable price, info, etc in preparation for his/her own thread.

Even the seller deleted the entire thread, moderators can easily put it back in place so editing is the only area that's bit tricky to manage at the moment.

21-11-2014, 01:27 PM

Kaz, i don't really see the need for these policy, just because i don't see any high traffic
on new threads or replys to a existing one... i understand it on Prime based on the traffic
there, but here ?!


21-11-2014, 04:14 PM
The changes are to benefit everyone both now and in the future, thank you for your understanding.

We aim to keep the forum as relaxed as possible and have very little policing to do which is testament to each and everyone who joins us and participates in looking after these wonderful cars.

Thank you, Paul

23-11-2014, 09:16 AM
May be worth reminding people how they become a platinum member

23-11-2014, 11:27 AM
It is and has been always at the top page of this site but probably not clear enough.
It has been displayed as 'Contributions to Support the Website' so I just added the wording [ become Platinum member ] with extra comment in the body.

Traffic was never a problem.
The main purpose is to announce that only the Platinum member can post in the For Sale section.
Also, it is to prevent the thread going off-topic. If you look at some of the For Sale threads with more than 10 replies, you will find the reason.
Good example is this one; http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?12029-SOLD-NA1-Berlina-Black-JDM-1991-Coupe
Something started as a sale of one's NSX turned into off-topic and making it difficult for the potential buyer to look for the essential information.
Doesn't happen so often but ideally, want to prevent it from happening for the future visitors of this site.

There are several restriction on the software side so not everything can be done but quite flexible so please feel free to provide feedback so that we can fine tune it.
For example, by default, it will dispaly only the threads from last month and the user has to change the criteria at the bottom window if want to see older threads.
This can be changed at different level such as from last 45days, 2 months, ....., 100days, etc.
Thank you.


austrian type-r
19-01-2015, 12:02 PM
how do I become a platinum member? I am here now for so much years and I like to sell my UKDM spec oem NSX rear bumper. Please upgrade me :)

19-01-2015, 12:23 PM
Hi, Christian. Got your name from your Builds thread.

Please visit the top 'Home' page of this site and in the middle, you will see 'Contributions to Support the Website [ become Platinum member ].

In case you have difficulty in finding it, please refer to the following link;
http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/content.php?23-Contributions-to-Support-the-Website (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/content.php?23-Contributions-to-Support-the-Website)

Thank you.
