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View Full Version : Prescott Hill Climb Open Classic Car Event 9,10 May 2015

15-11-2014, 06:22 PM
Do you fancy a couple of runs up the hill at Prescott or just give your car an airing, and help a good cause at the same time? I've been in touch with the organisers of this event, and they would be happy to support an NSXCB gathering. They will park all hill runners together in the Paddock and do likewise for statics in the Orchard. It's advertised as being open only to cars older than 1980, but in recognition of the classic status of the NSX, they would be happy to have us. Hill runs aren't timed, which is good news if like me you don't fit in your NSX wearing a helmet! Helmets are not required.

The hill is 1127 yards long, rising over 200 feet through fast and slow corners and a hairpin.

I've made an early 2015 New Year's resolution to get out more in my NSX, especially since it's the 25 year anniversary, so I'll be going. Would be good to get a few more NSXs as well!



15-11-2014, 07:09 PM
I'm in agreement with the New Years resolution, so why not.

I'm not in for the run, just the static display please.

1. PeteW Hill & Static
2. Senninha Static only

regards, Paul

15-11-2014, 07:29 PM
I'll definitely go along and display. I'm a member at Prescott and it's a nice day out especially when the weather is good. Cheers!

15-11-2014, 09:25 PM
Sounds like a good excuse to have some fun up the hill.:)
please include me in this one

16-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Sounds a lot of fun. Count me in, hill run for sure.

Anyone staying over? I'm not a natural camper but could slum it for a night.

16-11-2014, 11:26 PM
I think the hill runners will be in the paddock and the statics in the orchard

1. PeterW, Hill
2. Senninha, Static only
3. Pride, Hill
4. T1LTU, Hill
5. Flyingsniffer, Hill

I probably won't stay over at Prescott, but will stay with my brother who lives not too far away and will be taking his Porsche up the hill.


03-01-2015, 05:23 PM
I'm helping the Prescott organisers with material for the programme. I've written the attached article, and they're looking also for the following:

A period advert of an early model. This could be a contender for the back cover of the programme, which would be nice.
Some whizzy arty farty photos to go with the article. It would be in keeping with the historical nature of the event if the photos were of an unmodified pop up car, i.e. original five or seven spoke wheels, no body mods, not lowered. Of course I could give them some snaps of my own car, but I'll bet there's some good professional looking pictures out there!

Please let me know if you think you can help.


03-01-2015, 06:58 PM
Very nicely written Peter.

03-01-2015, 09:30 PM
Prescott's fairly local to me, considering joining this year, so count me in. Would be fun to go up the hill too...

1. PeterW, Hill
2. Senninha, Static only
3. Pride, Hill
4. T1LTU, Hill
5. Flyingsniffer, Hill
6. havoc, Hill

BTW - like the write-up - well thought-out.

I've a few half-decent photos of my car (not professional by any stretch, but D-SLR with a little thought behind the composition/aperture/background). Car's not quite standard though - replica Type-R rear spoiler on it...could be disguised from some angles. If you don't get any other offers of photos, let me know and I'll ping a few over to you.

04-01-2015, 11:39 PM
Sounds like fun. Count me in. Is camping permitted there overnight?

1. PeterW, Hill
2. Senninha, Static only
3. Pride, Hill
4. T1LTU, Hill
5. Flyingsniffer, Hill
6. havoc, Hill
7. Drmikey, Hill

05-01-2015, 12:10 AM
1. PeterW, Hill
2. Senninha, Static only
3. Pride, Hill
4. T1LTU, Hill
5. Flyingsniffer, Hill
6. havoc, Hill
7. Drmikey, Hill
8. Hagasan, Hill that's my surname lol.. Probably static

05-01-2015, 07:09 AM
Sounds like fun. Count me in. Is camping permitted there overnight?

I just looked on the Prescott web site (http://www.prescott-hillclimb.com) and I don't see anything about camping. This event is being organised by the Rotary Club local to Prescott. I'll find out from my contact there if they have any advice about camping. Maybe there's something nearby.

BTW, you need to get your application form in to them soon. You can download it from the link I put in the original posting. They told me that January is the time when most of the applications come in, and there's a limit of 200 cars.


05-01-2015, 06:51 PM
Regarding camping, what they told me is that there's the Winchcombe Camping & CC site Brooklands Farm , Alderton, phone 01242620259 which is about 3 miles from Prescott. And on site at Prescott is possible but permission from the Bugatti OC is needed Ian[ian@bugatti.co.uk] or Maggie on 01242673136.

Anyone for camping?
1. drmikey
2. ..


06-01-2015, 07:59 AM
Hi Peter,

Nice write up. Maybe add that the 97+ received stiffer chassis, the 02's received improved aerodynamics and remove the hyphon in the last but one sentence.

Is there a preferred day for attendance? I'll only make one day so keen to know if even spread or we are focussed on a particular day please.

regards, Paul

07-01-2015, 09:54 PM
Hi Senninha,

Good catch with the hyphen. Bit of an "Eats shoots and leaves" moment.

The hill action at Prescott is on the Sunday.

I propose to meet in the car park of the Tesco Extra on the A40 at Eynsham, Witney, OX29 4EN and drive from there. The plan would be to leave there in time to arrive at Prescott as the gates open ay 08:30. It's a nice, interesting drive through the Cotswolds and takes about an hour. People who are spectating will park up in the Orchard. People who are going up the hill will park in the paddock. In both cases NSXs will be together. Bacon butties and a briefing soon after you arrive. You get two runs up the hill in the morning and if you want more I'm told it's usually possible for about £15 in the afternoon.

I've heard it's also fun for spectators with an unusual range of cars.

For those going up the hill, you can imagine you're Stirling Moss doing his first hill climb in a 500 Cooper in 1948 ......


08-01-2015, 04:08 PM
OK, have completed the form and sent. Subject to confirmation, I'll do ONE NIGHT camping and that's it.

Mikey, I'm sure we can organise some fun? You look like the kinda guy who has a guitar.

UPDATE - I am entry number 65 so make of that what you will. Nice note from the organiser to say that he'll park me with the other two NSXs that have signed up.

09-01-2015, 10:18 PM
Hmmm might consider coming over for some Fun.. I'll keep an eye on this thread!

10-01-2015, 03:03 PM
... No hill climbs in the Netherlands? ;)

02-04-2015, 03:55 PM
Just altering my attendance to static rather than hill.

1. PeterW, Hill
2. Senninha, Static only
3. Pride, Hill
4. T1LTU, static only
5. Flyingsniffer, Hill
6. havoc, Hill
7. Drmikey, Hill
8. Hagasan, Hill that's my surname lol.. Probably static

27-04-2015, 08:44 PM
Well, this is fast approaching, I thought it was time for a quick roll call.

I received my paperwork the other day, I see 3 or 4 other NSXs in car park C for the hill climb.

I still haven't got off my backside and sorted accommodation for Saturday night so if anyone is staying anywhere interesting let me know please!

I'm looking forward to this, looks a very nice event to participate in.

03-05-2015, 09:49 AM
Oh crap...forgot about this and now looks like we're double booked with a kids party...

03-05-2015, 10:08 AM
I can't make this anymore, will be out of the country next weekend. Sorry for the late notice :(

03-05-2015, 10:51 AM
The sister in law has decided to get married ... and guess which weekend she has picked :( not HP!

Have a good ans safe evenet guys n girls

05-05-2015, 08:37 PM
Indeed it's almost upon us. Looks like there are four of us on the list, notwithstanding those for whom other priorities have intervened!

I'm still planning to set off at 07:30 from the Tesco Extra on the A40 near Eynsham, as I mentioned in post no. 15. There will be several Porsches meeting up there as well, and it's a nice drive through the Cotswolds. Anybody else?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting up with those who will be there!


06-05-2015, 08:24 AM
Unfortunate my circumstances have changed this weekend and I will reluctantly have to dip out, sorry.

06-05-2015, 09:19 AM

Are you paid up participants in the hillclimb and now can't come? If so, can we use your runs :)?

I'm sure the Supercar siege the weekend after will be great.

06-05-2015, 09:47 AM
I never did get to book for the hill climb in the end, so sorry mate.

06-05-2015, 08:58 PM
Same here, sorry.

07-05-2015, 03:27 AM
Indeed it's almost upon us. Looks like there are four of us on the list, notwithstanding those for whom other priorities have intervened!

I'm still planning to set off at 07:30 from the Tesco Extra on the A40 near Eynsham, as I mentioned in post no. 15. There will be several Porsches meeting up there as well, and it's a nice drive through the Cotswolds. Anybody else?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting up with those who will be there.



Myself and Rob will be in Cheltenham on the Saturday night so will head straight to Prescott from there.

Be good to meet up. Who is the other mystery attendee? (I lost track of the dropouts!)


08-05-2015, 07:16 PM
Indeed it's almost upon us. Looks like there are four of us on the list, notwithstanding those for whom other priorities have intervened!

I'm still planning to set off at 07:30 from the Tesco Extra on the A40 near Eynsham, as I mentioned in post no. 15. There will be several Porsches meeting up there as well, and it's a nice drive through the Cotswolds. Anybody else?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting up with those who will be there!


Due to a change in plan I won't now be joining Mikey on Saturday night, so Peter, I'll aim to get to the Tesco Extra around 7am to see if I can hook up with your convoy. I'm coming from Hertfordshire so might be a few minutes either side, but don't wait for me.


10-05-2015, 08:41 PM
Good day today, 4 NSXs driving the hill and another two in the static car park.

Good to meet Peter and Dave for the first time.

Quick shaky video of Mikey on the hill route


Thanks to Pete for arranging.

10-05-2015, 08:43 PM
Nice to meet and chat to a couple of forum members today. Hope you all had a smooth trip home!

I noticed on Facebook a gallery of pics and our NSXs are in there if you're interested. Hopefully the link works....



10-05-2015, 09:20 PM
Good day today, 4 NSXs driving the hill and another two in the static car park.

Good to meet Peter and Dave for the first time.

Quick shaky video of Mikey on the hill route


Thanks to Pete for arranging.

it would be great to view the video but unfortunately the YouTube link is locked.:(

10-05-2015, 09:46 PM
My bad! Should be OK now.

10-05-2015, 09:58 PM
My bad! Should be OK now.

That was more than OK, that looked great fun and music to my ears, nice vid.:)

11-05-2015, 07:48 AM
good to see a nice spirited run;
nicely driven!

11-05-2015, 04:25 PM
here's some of the pics on facebook in picture form.... i take no responsibility for them!

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11071564_10204229448320857_8210139175611648479_n.j pg?oh=98e3eb49de78402eea7f988d6f956393&oe=560977FD

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11164833_10204229495482036_6813379591849576673_n.j pg?oh=8b318a8c197f20bbf937e52589531cce&oe=55D58886&__gda__=1443326923_327bb077db52f2100ce72541faa89bc 3

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11165268_10204229496282056_4739179778375322901_n.j pg?oh=7d2ce91e48079474c81c4d18cd8fce1d&oe=55C6075E

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11204985_10204229496322057_4409120471945787685_n.j pg?oh=d25ff2f03b34c9f5f9e8720d0dea2db4&oe=55D462BB

11-05-2015, 04:27 PM

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11210485_10204229497082076_1201838120640248392_n.j pg?oh=999de6589d997e7731aa38e46296f58a&oe=560CFC20

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11219254_10204229558163603_1153748449935199547_n.j pg?oh=89ac0505bfd290af79bb8032c18d007e&oe=56081071

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10464092_10204229566563813_2099985925883652909_n.j pg?oh=861f1d17366ff20c3b39f2ae0c787883&oe=560D9A38

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11210426_10204229621005174_5060761829237224561_n.j pg?oh=4749d21db508e8b82d68fa800e3b86a9&oe=55D018D3&__gda__=1438851500_d92b5fdb198e1e8b5092e4376625e76 2

11-05-2015, 04:28 PM
last couple i found.....

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11205161_10204229622165203_1941203355173997806_n.j pg?oh=5d53df68cba209c9cbe15a19a1bdefc2&oe=55D41213

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11109214_10204229666646315_5148906375697223353_n.j pg?oh=06097bf4e6b0bd66ec56186e4f7e9cc8&oe=560871B2&__gda__=1443711344_8779beb67b51e98c98a71dd3ec8bf68 8

and on the move....
https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10458592_10204229685606789_5402590809457579412_n.j pg?oh=5044dcabd6d3a70bac1599c9bcef2869&oe=55C985B1

11-05-2015, 08:08 PM
Good day today, 4 NSXs driving the hill and another two in the static car park.

Good to meet Peter and Dave for the first time.
Thanks to Pete for arranging.

... My pleasure. This was an easy NSXCB event to organise and a lot of fun to participate in. Also it was good to meet the other owners - Mikey, Rob, David and not forgetting the two NSX owning spectators, one who's not on the forum (didn't know such an owner existed!) and Kes the Rocket Man.

I'm marking my diary for next year.


11-05-2015, 08:46 PM
Was a really nice day. And nice to meet Peter and David and the non forum NSX owner (who's owned 3 NSXs since 1991!)

Some pics I took (im no photographer!)

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3628_zpsngqcksrb.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3628_zpsngqcksrb.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3662_zpsuju7vxep.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3662_zpsuju7vxep.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3658_zpslibbhtlj.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3658_zpslibbhtlj.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3655_zps7ewe8bdi.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3655_zps7ewe8bdi.jpg.html)

11-05-2015, 08:46 PM
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3634_zpspu9nupg9.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3634_zpspu9nupg9.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3631_zpsgd5ufp93.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3631_zpsgd5ufp93.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3625_zpsikilf2uw.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3625_zpsikilf2uw.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3622_zpshoolsxjh.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3622_zpshoolsxjh.jpg.html)

11-05-2015, 08:47 PM
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3621_zpskuinb39n.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3621_zpskuinb39n.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3619_zpsgurczz6u.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3619_zpsgurczz6u.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3618_zpstnvsmvvx.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3618_zpstnvsmvvx.jpg.html)
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/drmikey/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3617_zps8kjtwvci.jpg (http://s35.photobucket.com/user/drmikey/media/Precott%20-%20May%202015/IMG_3617_zps8kjtwvci.jpg.html)

11-05-2015, 09:02 PM
Well done to all those who attended and thank you for sharing photos and video footage, looks like a great weekend and all for good causes. I will definately be up for this next year if there is a club presence.

20-05-2015, 10:45 AM
I received my CD with pics from the photographer today. Missed the apex with this one!


Damn! My rear high level brake light isn't working.


23-05-2015, 08:06 PM
the cars are looking well in the photos. i love the orange colour especially and a fantastic shine on the others. :)