View Full Version : Garage Queen

27-03-2006, 07:15 PM

How long should it be ok for a healthy NSX to sit in the garage between runs without needing to worry about the battery going flat?

For my VFR I use a trickle charger; can these be used effectively on the NSX?

I'm interested to know the best way to keep the battery in top condition and welcome your thoughts please.


27-03-2006, 07:47 PM
How long you thinking of leaving it ??

And what Alarm do you have.

Mine is a Scorpion Alarm and has been left for nearly 2 months, turn the key and starts first time still.

27-03-2006, 07:55 PM
In the depth of winter it may go a couple of months unless there's a few good dry days around (I wont be able to resist).

It has the Honda remote alarm fitted but I've no idea how much this will drain the system. The car has recently had a new battery.

27-03-2006, 08:26 PM
Optimate or similar (just like your bike) will do a car battery and is your best bet.
It's not so much about whether your battery will start the car but the optimate etc condition the battery and greatly improve the life of a battery used under the conditions you describe. Being a biker you probably know this deep down.
I have a 96 model TRX850 still on its original battery and it goes on an Optimate during the coldest months. Damn thing doesn't stay still enough during the summer to connect to the Optimate.

I considered this for the NSX but realised it was removing one of my good excuses for dissappearing for two hours at the weekend. These Japanese alternators are so weedy, if you know what I mean :wink:

27-03-2006, 10:00 PM
Sunday mornings will never be the same again ...

The biggest decision is going to be whether to go V4 or V6 :D

I didn't realise Optimate did a car variant, thanks for the tip!

28-03-2006, 01:37 PM
The same charger you use on your bike will be capable of keeping a healthy normal capacity car batery in tip top condition. They are not marketed for it but will do the job unless you have some mahoosive battery with a large internal drain current, which the NSX does not.

Mahoosive, what a great word :lol: