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View Full Version : Problems with IPod adapter

04-11-2013, 08:40 PM

We purchased a PA11 HON from SOS sometime ago and it was working really well, but is now playing up. Tonight we successfully connected the iPod up with the car but appeared to lose the ability to change the tracks via the iPod itself. I tried to change the switches on the PA11 HON interface which resulted in the error code EEE appearing on the stereo display. We then turned the car off but now when we restart the car the iPod is not being picked up by the stereo at all resulting in only radio being available. I have changed the switches back but to no avail.

Has anyone had similar issues?


04-11-2013, 08:59 PM
Total guess but maybe worth checking out - Kaz mentioned something about reinforcing a track on the circuit board in the head unit when using the PA11 HON iPod adaptor, I can't remember the specifics off the top of my head but the info is in the blog section.

07-11-2013, 10:49 PM
Hi, Sharon.
I was hoping to see bit more replies before posting this in order to get extra info as at this stage, there are so many probable causes.

It could be the audio head unit, the PA11-HON, the Apple device, the cable between the head unit and the PA11-HON, the cable between the PA11-HON and the Apple device or the multiple combinations of these.

I don’t know how the PA11-HON is installed on your NSX so it’s hard to advice anything.
How did you connect the PA11-HON?
Directly at the back of the head unit, behind the left side seat or inside the boot?
If you have another iPod adaptor or OEM CD changer, you could try installing it to see whether it can be recognised by the head unit or not.

Have you tried a different Apple device?
What kind of Apple device are you using? The generation no.?
Are you using the old style Apple connector or the latest Lightening one with the Apple OEM adaptor?

[Edit: Having said these, since your issue is related to the PA11-HON not being recognised by the head unit, it is very unlikely to be anything (cable/device) related between the PA11-HON and the Apple device.
Even without connecting the Apple device, PA11-HON alone should be recognised as CD when connected to the head unit.]

Any damages to the connectors on each devices or the cables?

Ultimately, I would set up the bench system to test each devices to figure out exactly what went wrong but as mentioned above, I’ll try the easy bit first.

Personally, I will never install PA11-HON without modifying the audio head unit first based on my own experience as well as the same issue that I heard from other owners after installing the PA11-HON by themselves and subsequently, they sent their head units to me for the repair work.

Any additional info will help.


08-11-2013, 07:57 PM

i also use the PA11-HON and it worked fine...then my Headunit died...

i opened it up and replaced the bigger capacitors - all but the tiny yellow and green ones.

now everything is working amazing.

I read that you reinforce a specific track on the Headunit...
can you show me which one in case i have a problem, so i check it right away?


08-11-2013, 10:17 PM
If you use the search with the word head unit the 3rd or 4th item down Kaz has a blog on 23 Sep 2013 which shows a photo of the strengthening circuit he makes as standard procedure. Hope this helps

08-11-2013, 10:44 PM

09-11-2013, 01:24 AM

thanks a bunch... lets see if it holds...


09-11-2013, 01:37 PM
Hi, Nuno.

For the clarification, it's not just strengthening the ACC line described above.

The spec of Alpine audio head unit depends on the year and country models so there are different areas to be looked at.
During my service, I will strengthen the ACC line as well as carry out additional tasks before installing the PA11-HON.

As same for my Eng Refresh and other services, I won’t disclose all of the know-how, chemicals used, procedures, etc as I would like to keep them for my future apprentices.

The main area is the ACC line on the bottom circuit board for the CD changer port.
I don’t know the logic inside the PA11-HON but seems to drain excessive amount of current especially when the Apple device is at low battery and if the head unit was already in a specific mode.

The damage caused by the installation of PA11-HON won’t be gradual but instead, it will be an immediate one.
Simply, it will burn the ACC line and you will notice the distinctive strong smell when the circuit board is burnt.
Some of the owners including myself saw smoke coming out of the cassette player flap door.

So, if you haven’t smelt this strong burnt smell by now, your head unit should be fine for now.

As a side note, please be careful handling any burnt circuits, wires, etc especially if it involved the heat shrink tube.
Some of the expensive products contain Viton and you must wear protection before touching it.

By the way, if you click on any of my blog title to read the contents, you will see about 30 of ‘Blog Categories’ at the right window.
In there, you will find ‘Audio’ category which will include all of the USA Spec PA11-HON related topics.

Or, you can use the ‘Search by Tag’ feature within the ‘Tag Cloud’ window also located at the right side of the screen.
If you type first three characters of any registered tag, you should see the candidates while you are typing.
If you type ‘pa1’, you should see ‘pa11-hon’ as the available candidate.

You can always use the standard search method through your favorite search engine.
Just type in the search word such as ‘PA11-HON’ and remember to add ‘site:nsxcb.co.uk’.
For example, just type ‘pa11-hon site:nsxcb.co.uk’ in your search window and you will get lots of results across the NSXCB site containing the word ‘pa11-hon’.


09-11-2013, 06:51 PM
I've had a few of these adaptors over the years and they've all had minor operating issues. From not easily working, to only working through the cd cable.
Recently, I went with another product from a UK company and it's really been a no hassle installation.
For anyone wishing to try an alternative. These are worth a look. Their back-up is also very good.


10-11-2013, 08:11 AM
Thanks Kaz... i wish you were local to me so... then i wouldn't freak every time i need
someone to touch my NSX.
