View Full Version : Time to sell?

11-10-2012, 12:45 PM
I don't think I could part with my NSX so this is pretty much a hypothetical question. Is now the time to sell?

Second hand prices are at a serious high at the moment and selling my NSX would leave me 100% debt free with quite a bit to spare.

Anyone else pondering over this?

Also, a couple of articles I have recently read estimate that good NSXs could be heading for 6 figure evaluations within a decade or so.

If that were the case and you did sell up now you really would be kicking yourself.

Any thoughts?

I don't like the thought of being NSXless!

11-10-2012, 04:57 PM
Been having the same thoughts of late.
Debt free and a few bob left over after the $3800 dollar payoff. It's MINE !!!
Not so concerned with what it might become worth but probably never find another GPW in as pristine condition and it really doesn't cost anything sitting in its cocoon when i'm not driving it, which isn't very often.
Also, I finally have nearly all the changes i've always wanted to make to an NSX. If / when I get the UK market mods completely installed, the headlight washers, the rear foglights and the half staff aerial it will be a very unique car over here.
It also only has 33,000 mi since my purchase in 2006, 2nd owner, and a Mr. Uehara autograph, to my name in the glove box liner.
My thoughts.


11-10-2012, 05:49 PM
Hi Conor

i for one would hope you would not consider selling your NSX that would leave NI likely with no face lifts left (Sudesh can correct me if wrong)

yes it appears to be a great time to sell but also the ones on ph for example appear to be sitting a bit longer than before.

debt free would be cool ... I have just under a year to go on payments on my car but unfortunately I am a long way off from debt free I.e. mortgage etc but I will use freed up funds for that after NSX is paid off.

if being debt free rocks your boat then perhaps you should go for it, but for me there would have to be a more serious reason for me to part with mine ... At this moment it would take a shed load of cash to give up my car - a lot of time, money, emotion has gone into my car to get it the way I want it and that prevents me parting with mine presently.
I know if I did sell mine I would likely look for another one, or there would need to be an amazing car released to the market (within my budget) but that's unlikely in current modern car mart ... So like you i cant think being NSX-less LOL!

12-10-2012, 07:01 AM
I think you have to do what's right for you now, none of us can predict how the market on our (any) cars will go so if selling and clearing debt is right for you then that's your answer.

That said it sounds like you get a lot from your NSX so unless the outstanding debt is crippling you why not keep it?

just my 2p :)

12-10-2012, 07:59 AM
Thanks for the responses.

Debt isn't an issue at all but to clear what little debt I have along with gaining a large sum of money on top of that would be a nice feeling, albeit not as nice a feeling as owning an NSX mind you!

The temptation to cash in when prices are so high is tantalising however...

12-10-2012, 08:29 AM
I would agree with all of the above, only you can tell for sure. Contrary to what some on this forum believe, there are other cars that will put a smile on ones face, so if you feel is right, sell it and you can try something else.

12-10-2012, 08:34 AM
A couple of times every year I wonder whether I should sell; I don't drive it as much as I used to, prices are good, I spend a lot keeping it immaculately maintained, etc etc.

But then the wife and I go away for a nice weekend in it and the sun shines and folks come up to want to talk to you about it and I realise I couldn't get anything else I'd enjoy as much for the same money, so it stays for another year :)

Cheers, Rich.

12-10-2012, 09:07 AM
I think you should sell it to me Rich.

12-10-2012, 09:17 AM
From that response I would keep it. Money can be easily frittered away, a car like NSX is emotive. Keep it :)

12-10-2012, 09:44 AM
I think you should sell it to me Rich.

Like I say, maybe next year :-)

12-10-2012, 11:32 AM
I wish I had more time to enjoy the NSX though as I passed my motorcycle test last year and bought a new CBR600F and when a good day comes it's hard to get time to get a run in both of them!

12-10-2012, 02:20 PM
I think between September and March is not the best time. I'd wait until the end of March and advertise then. You then have the whole spring and summer to attract potential buyers.

12-10-2012, 07:27 PM
I wish I had more time to enjoy the NSX though as I passed my motorcycle test last year and bought a new CBR600F and when a good day comes it's hard to get time to get a run in both of them!

Bike against car for fun, bike always win for sure!!!

12-10-2012, 07:57 PM
When I owned my Evo, I have to admit getting out on my motorbike appealed to me more than driving; but when the good weather is out since owning the NSX I would opt for it quicker than the bike ... Perhaps that could be do to more the case I have been riding bikes for several years now. For the 1st few years I know I would quicker hop on the bike and head for a jolly; I do like the power and freedom when out on the bike, but this past while the draw and attraction to the NSX is more ... Also it always attracts attention!

Toured France this year on the bike, 1st time on the continent with the bike done over 2.5k in 9 days and really enjoyed it. However my trip to Switzerland/Germany in the NSX still is my best experience touring Europe

12-10-2012, 08:00 PM
Agreed, if your gonna sell best to leave to 2013 now

I think between September and March is not the best time. I'd wait until the end of March and advertise then. You then have the whole spring and summer to attract potential buyers.

16-10-2012, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the replies folks.

I never really seriously considered selling the car but it's interesting to hear the opinions of others on the subject, food for thought and all that.

Nick Graves
18-10-2012, 09:37 AM

You'd consider converting a mega-rare commodity like an NSX into mass-produced worthless junk currency?

Wrong way - you wanna be buying more NSXs. Debt will self-liquidate as the junk currency inflates.

End of.

Off to drive it now.